Business Rural Winter 2021
32 | CAMPAIGN FOR WOOL » 1. WOOL IS NATURAL & RENEWABLE It is grown not made; every year sheep grow a new fleece. Wool products also use less energy than man-made fibres during manufacture. 2. WOOL IS SUNSAFE It has naturally high UV protection. 3. WOOL IS FLAME-RETARDANT Wool fibre has a higher ignition threshold than many other fibres and is flame retardant up to 600ºC. It also produces less toxic fumes in a fire. 4. WOOL IS BIODEGRADABLE When disposed of, natural wool fibre takes only a few years to decompose, and with a high nitrogen content, wool can even act as a fertiliser. 5. WOOL IS BREATHABLE It’s natural structure allows it to absorb and release water vapour into the atmosphere, keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer. THE WONDERS OF WOOL - TOP 10 6. WOOL IS NON-ALLERGENIC It is not known to cause allergy and does not promote the growth of bacteria. With microscopic scales, wool fibres can trap dust in the top layers until vacuumed away. 7. WOOL IS DURABLE & ELASTIC Wool fibre can be bent 20,000 times without breaking and still have the power to recover and return to its natural shape. Quality wool garments look good for longer. 8. WOOL IS EASY CARE Modern wool can be machine-washed; retaining a small amount of natural oil, wool fibre resists dirt and grease. 9. WOOL IS MULTI-CLIMATIC Wool acclimatises to its surroundings. 10. WOOL IS NATURALLY INSULATING It can insulate the home providing and retaining warmth, and reducing energy costs. For more information call 0800 835 367 or visit Join us in 2021 - Semester 2 for: 1HZ =HDODQG &HUWLȴFDWH LQ :RRO 7HFKQRORJ\ DQG &ODVVLQJ /HYHO Take advantage of the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund that will allow you to study select sub-degree courses at no cost. 05 July to 29 October This Blended Delivery course is delivered online with 5 day block courses available in both the North and South Island. YOUR CAREER INWOOL STARTS HERE 7HOIRUG LV FDOOLQJ IRU H[SUHVVLRQV of interest for: :RRO &OLS *UDGLQJ 7UDLQLQJ 6FKHPH /HYHO For more information email WHOIRUG#VLW DF Q] Get ahead in the wool industry with the New Zealand Certi icate in Wool Technology and Classing (Level 4) o ered through Telford in semester 2 of 2021, from 5th July to 29th October. This course is designed to enable graduates to gain a job or progress within the wool industry, from the wool shed to any other point along the wool supply chain. The quali ication includes recognition of skills and technical knowledge in the areas of wool production and wool classi ication and the harvesting, preparation, marketing, manufacturing and processing of wool. The course is also a prerequisite to becoming a Wool Classer, registered by the New Zealand Wool Classers Association. The blended delivery format means the course can be studied from anywhere. Delivery is online, with 5-day block courses available in both the North and South Island. Graduate Olivia McCorkindale has good things to say about completing the New Zealand Certi icate in Wool Technology and Classing (Level 4) and thinks it’s one of the best things she has ever done. She commented on the tremendous amount of information she learnt about the wool industry during her studies. “I learnt about wool and both the NZ and global wool industries. I also learnt practical wool-assessment skills, as well as technical details”. Distance learning was no barrier to Olivia’s achievements, with the support of easily accessible tutors. “My tutor, as well as the Telford-based sta who ran my course, were outstanding. They were always willing to help no matter how big or small the query”, she said. Enrol now for a July start - phone Telford 0800 835 367 or go to: Enrol Now - July Start for Wool Technology New%20Zealand%20Certi icate%20in%20W ool%20Technology%20and%20Classing%2 0(Level%204)/campus/Telford%20Distance NewWool Clip Grading Course - Expressions of Interest The Wool Clip Grading Course is a brand-new programme o ered by Telford and is designed for experienced woolhandlers wanting to improve their wool knowledge and become a registered Wool Grader. The course combines learning at home with a two-day block course run at various locations throughout New Zealand. Experienced woolhandlers with good practical skills (Leading Shedhands) wanting to improve their knowledge and enhance their employment opportunities will ind this course extremely valuable. The quali ication is NZQA-approved and is supported by the New Zealand Shearing Contractors Association. Register your interest today phone Telford 0800 835 367 or email us on . Wool ClipGrading Training Scheme I found doing the Wool Clip Grading Training Scheme course to be really good value. As a Shearing Contractor I have a big responsibility around our clients Wool Clips. On completing the course, I achieved two things, furthered my knowledge, and also con irmed knowledge and experience that I have gained over the years. By having course assignments assessed, it was great to gain a quali ication that will have future use for me within our Industry. It also gives me a good understanding of what the industry expects of our leading shed sta . -Peter Lyon