Business Rural Winter 2021

| 43 MEAT & WOOL » Lake Hawea Station on farm’s Carbon Zero certification Lake Hawea Station’s Geoff and Justine Ross recognise that customers buying woollen sweaters and active wear want to know the carbon footprint of the clothing.” CALL John 027 273 2480 or Johnny 027 696 6758 Landscaping | Hor�culture Vi�culture | Land Development Moleploughing | Land Clearing Roading | Water Reservoirs Subdivisions EARTHMOVING ‘Ge�ng Something Done!’ FOR MORE INFORMATION - Contact: Steve Brooker, Naonal Sales Manager - 021 150 6050 SOIL HEALTH Southern Humates is a pure form of organic maer, resulng from an accumulaon of decayed forest and other carbon rich plant residues that have been compressed and preserved over the age in the deep south of New Zealand. High in carbon, natural minerals and trace elements and containing two powerful bioacve acids – humic and fulvic Congratulaons Hawea Staon for using Southern Humates HIGH QUALITY HUMATES SOURCED FROM THE DEEP SOUTH NEW ZEALAND