Business Rural Winter 2021

| 7 RURAL PEOPLE » Up The Road: John & Tarsha Clemens hatches from the carnage of M-Bovis Photos: The family team behind Charlie’s Chook Eggs – John Clemens, son Charlie, wife Tarsha and daughter Nikita. The Clemens also run a white dorper sheep stud and a calf rearing business. Hi, I’m Rhys Morgan. I’ve driven up a lot of drives in my 30 plus years in the animal health industry, seen a few things, learnt a few things. My interest is in understanding your business and being able to provide some nutritional assistance that will enhance animal health and give increased returns. Please check out my webpage for more information and like the Face Book page! Feed Additives NZ Limited Contact: Rhys Morgan 021 0444 853 Feed Additives NZ : Improved nutrition. Improved per formance. Mineral deficiencies in Winter supplements Consequences of mineral deficiencies are well documented for brassica crops. The initial effect of a deficiency is a fall in blood plasma levels, followed by withdrawal of calcium and phosphorus from the skeleton. Loss of appetite can occur leading to poor feed conversion efficiency and a lowered live weight gain. Kale 50 For cows being fed supplements such as silage, straw, kale, requiring the addition of magnesium, salt and minerals. MDCP 21% P A highly available phosphorous, with high bioavailability, with an acidic taste making it palatable. Fed in trough in paddock alongside fodder beet crop. 50g provides 10g P (comparable to 73g of DCP). Animals self-regulate. FB 100 & 150 For cows requiring additional phosphorous, due to being fed medium to high levels of fodder beet, along with possibly some silage, straw or other supplements. Other products Supplier of premixes, amimo acids and other products to pig producers. Supplier of premixes, mill pack with all additives or a complete feed pellet for egg producers, especially Free Range. Transition & early spring To minimise calving and early metabolic problems treatment of the Springer herd is vital. Transition pellets of Loose Lick fed for the 10-14 days pre-calving will make a significant difference to early season health and wellbeing of all stock. The first 100 days of lactation strongly influences cow health, production and fertility. Based around your targets we can provide Mineral Concentrate Pellets, Feed Pellets with minerals, Loose licks with all minerals, or a high performance organic mineral premix. Give your calves the best start this season with fresh feed – rolled, mixed and blended on your farm with our Mobile Feed Processing machines. Improve your stock weight gains by feeding quality mixes to your animals. Custom blending for individual dairy meal processing with the addi�on of extra protein and other micro ingredients as required. DAIRY MEAL PROCESSING from $40 per tonne • Custom blending on farm • Trace elements blended if required • Unblocking of roller mill auger tubes • Grain Rolling • Your grain or grain supplied by us* CALF MEAL PROCESSING from $150 per tonne • Fresh feed processed on farm • Your grain or grain supplied by us* • Supplied in stacks, ready to use • Price includes molasses, premix minerals / vitamins and bovatec Stewart 027 462 2529 Devin 027 930 4906 *price displayed applies to grain supplied by the farmer FIND OUT HOW FEEDMIX CAN WORK FOR YOUR HERD