14 | Cows walk past a stunning eld of red tulips at Gladvale 2 Farm (GV2). DAIRY PEOPLE: Gladvale Farm Richard Loader Nitri cation inhibitor a ‘game changer’ Southland dairy farmer David Lindsay would like to see the re-introduction of nitri cation inhibitor dycandaimide (DCD), saying that it would be a game changer for the dairy and cattle industry. “Everyone accepts there has to be more change and improvement in regard to how we farm but there’s only so much we can do without the tools. We already have technology that works well to reduce nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide gas as well as increasing grass production and that’s DCD, the most widely used nitri cation inhibitor in the world.” The sale and use of DCD’s in New Zealand was suspended in 2013 after very low levels of the substance were detected in milk powder samples from New Zealand. The suspension was later supported by MPI and sales have not returned. “It has no human health effect, even at high levels, but because there were no international standard it was considered a contaminant. If we had DCD or some other nitri cation inhibitor in our farming toolbox it would have a signi cantly positive effect on water quality and would go a long way to helping farmers meet some of the emission targets being imposed.” David says that while the Government demands farmers reduce emissions on one hand, on the other hand it restricts the use of technology that already exists to do so. Ravensdown has previously pushed for the return of its ‘eco-n’ product that contains DCD. “It would be nice to see the Government use some of the $710m climate emergency response fund recently announced for agriculture to allow the reintroduction of DCD or similar nitri cation inhibitors. That would be a game changer for the industry.” A sixth generation farmer, David is at the helm of Gladvale Farms which consists of ve dairy units encompassing 1350 hectares and two support blocks totalling 900 hectares. Four of the dairy units are in the Oreti Plains area, with the fth unit forty kilometres away in Dipton West. Gladvale Farms generally milks 3700 cows across its farms. Heavy investment in cow barns and feed pads enables lactation to be extended to winter milking on three of the properties, while cows on the other two properties are wintered out to graziers. The support land is used for rearing beef cattle and dairy heifers. Gladvale Farms currently provides employment for around thirty- ve staff across its entire operation including ve staff looking after dairy support. Enjoying the challenge of farming and seeing the business grow, David says growing up on a farm you develop a passion for it. Being a farmer was certainly something he was always going to do. Any spare time I had, when I wasn’t going to school, I was out on the farm helping dad with anything that needed doing. It gives you an understanding from a very young age about how to operate a farm. As a whole, New Zealand’s dairy industry has a positive outlook. “We’re predominantly a pasture based system which provides obvious advantages at the moment when you look at what’s happening around the world. So we’re in a good space but it just depends on how hard the Government goes with some of the targets it is setting. We need access to the technology that the rest of the world is using to reduce emissions. That will be the game changer.” Ritchie, Ashton and Amanda Caldwell, Geoff Lindsay, Mary-Anne Lindsay and Dave Lindsay. Merc spreading lime at GV3. Fert Wholesale Direct Ltd Farmers, are you concerned about improving your fertiliser efficiency and environmental footprint? Then Fert Wholesale Direct Ltd can help, as we have helped Gladvale Farms Ltd The ONE System which through independent trials shows a doubling of response to N. And more recently, our Revolutionary Compound Urea/SOA product where every granule contains both forms of N. Contact Shane Harold on 021 0235 6491 or shane@fertwholesale.co.nz ETHAN MATHIESON M 027 634 7534 E mathiesonelectrical@gmail.com Visit www.progressivelivestock.co.nz for more info Progressive Livestock lives up to its name, delivering progressive solutions for a diverse range of clients PROUD TO BE SUPPORTING GLADVALE FARMS LTD · Livestock Specialist · Buying and Selling · Grazing Contracts · Valuations · Auctions and Clearance Sales · Bull Plan Finance Options · Exporting For all your livestock requirements please contact Duncan Stalker 027 441 1518 New feed pad completed at GV2