Business Rural Winter 2022

| 43 Manufacturing a range of pure, clean and e ective plant and soil bio-stimulants, Waikaitu Ltd works with the wider agricultural community, integrating its products into the mainstream agricultural system. “We’re here to help farmers manage the biological parameter of their environment and provide the right tools to support biological farming,” says Alex Pressman, CEO. “What being a biological farmer means to us is managing that biological environment in conjunction with the nutritional and physical characteristics of the soil. For too long, biological farming means throwing modern chemistry out the window but we believe a ‘conventional grower’ can be a biological farmer.” Based in beautiful Ruby Bay, just out of Mapua in the Tasman Bay, Waikaitu’s plant and soil bio-stimulant range includes products that assist soil health, nutrient e iciency, manage abiotic stress and promote vegetative growth. “Our range of biostimulants; BioActive, BioAmino, FishBoost and Lignohumate, are the full range of soil and plant biostimulants. When incorporated into a growers program, they can help manage abiotic stress (BioActive), provide vegetative growth (BioAmino), support nutrient e iciency (LignoHumate) and stimulate the full range of microbes within your soil foodweb (FishBoost) whilst providing organic nutrition. We manufacture and distribute our four bio-stimulants to companies across New Zealand.” In Addition to manufacturing these products, Waikaitu work closely with their Supporting biological farming distributors to help develop programs and farming practices that manage the biological environment to create a farming system that’s work with its ecosystem. Alex explains that the growing environment is built up of three main pillars — nutritional, physical characteristics of the soil and the biological environment. While the nutritional aspect concerns fertiliser and how nutrients are managed, the physical characteristics refer to the general nature of the soil including compaction, aeration, and water holding capacity. “Then you have the biological soil characteristics — the diversity of the soil food web, bacterias, fungis, nematodes, earthworms and everything between. Over the last hundred years that agriculture has been industrialised we’ve managed the nutritional and physical properties of the soil very luently, while the biological environment hasn’t gone at the same pace. In more recent times there has been a trend pushing farmers to focus purely on the biological space to do everything and stopped supplementing nutrition. Waikaitu helps the farmer/grower consultants ind the right balance by investing in a grower programme where the nutrition, physical and biological parameters of the grower ecosystem are being managed properly. We work mainstreamwith conventional growers where small steps are integrated into their farm system to improve the way they grow conventionally by taking the biological pillar of our soil and growing environment into considerations.” Contact Lydia: 021 552 548 | Ask your local distributor for Waikaitu’s biostimulants today. RURAL SERVICES » Jon & Birgit Pemberton Miriam 10 ,Beau 11, Birgit, Anja 3 and Jon Pemberton.