108 | Summerset Group Holdings: Richmond Villas - Scott Construction “We meet our residents around the place and see how much they are enjoying the facility, and that really adds another dimension of satisfaction to our roles as the builders and construction managers.” LIFESTYLE New centre a heart to village Summerset Group villages are targeted towards residents who are fully independent and still able to enjoy the village lifestyle and the huge range of activities. T T from page 106 It is also key to the demand from the large baby boomer population, who are now of an age where they want the convenience of village life and the option of care should they need it later in life, while also being part of an active community of like-minded people. Soon after the construction of the villas starts, the construction of the village centre begins. Scott Construction is a key subcontractor to Summerset and was responsible for delivering the concrete structure and carpentry works on this building as well as the concrete and carpentry packages on all the villa blocks on site. The village centre provides a heart to village, with spacious resident lounges, a stylish dining room and library, a café, bar, hair and beauty salon, indoor pool, and spa. It is also home to Summerset’s fully-certified care centre and industry-leading memory care centre, specially designed for those living with dementia. “For those residents who get into their villas quite early, they really enjoy watching the development happen right in front of their own homes,” Joe says. “While it’s a standard construction project, there’s nothing too complex about it, we do have residents who love to provide an opinion on how we’re doing. “We meet our residents around the place and see how much they are enjoying the facility, and that really adds another dimension of satisfaction to our roles as the builders and construction managers.” Summerset has 38 villages throughout New Zealand, 18 of which are still under development, and proposals in the pipeline for a further five. Its first Australian retirement village, Summerset Cranbourne North in north-east Melbourne, is now under construction, and a further six villages in Victoria are proposed. The Summerset development process has been honed since its first village was constructed in 1997. Development, design, consenting, construction, and then village operation are all handled from in-house. “We are the main contractor, the designer, and the client, so it’s quite a unique structure. Through all parts of the process we can hit the ground running with people that have been there and done that on other villages.” This approach also allows Summerset to learn and retain every lesson from every project. “We used to put up solid hoardings on the building site, but the residents asked us not to so they could see all the comings and goings. So we don’t do that anymore.” Proudly supporting Summerset Group Holdings Proud to work in partnership with Summerset on the development of their ‘Richmond Ranges’ retirement village. Contact us to learn how we can help on your next landscaping project. Our services include: • Automated Irrigation System Installations • Decorative Concrete Placements • Timber Landscape Features • So Landscaping & Planting • Hard Landscaping, Paving & Retaining • Landscape Maintenance 0800 nelmac | nelmac.co.nz dan@baseexcavations.co.nz facebook.com/baseexcavationsnelson 027 464 4735