Business South April 2023

12 | 1400 staff from nine countries T T from page10 Marlborough Business Awards: Hortus REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Hortus manage their client’s labour needs by recruiting and supervising up to 1400 staff from nine countries, largely in the Pacific and Indonesia. The company also hire Kiwi and backpackers for seasonal work. Staff under the RSE scheme have a seven-month visa which gives them plenty of time back home to reconnect with their families and village life. “We do our own recruiting in the islands either through a government department that screens and recruits people for different employers, or we use our own connections. In Vanuatu, there is an approved agent who will recruit for us.” “We are very mindful to spread our recruitment, hence we recruit from nine countries, so we can spread the risk and not empty out a village. Some of our RSE staff have been with us for 10 years,” says Lucy. RSE staff live at Hortus Village on the outskirts of Blenheim which has vegetable gardens, basketball courts and a gym. A pastoral care team looks after the staff’s wellbeing which can be organising fun competitions to booking medical appointments. There is a strong faith base amongst the RSE staff and they are supported by the local church. There is a team leader from each county to help bridge cultural gaps and help the pastoral care team keep an eye on people’s mental health. In weekends, RSE staff can use the company vans to go fishing and other activities. “Covid was a really challenging time as staff couldn’t get home. Some didn’t get home for three years. They were working but wanted to be back home with their families, especially when there were deaths at home. People find a way to communicate with home even when they live in really remote villages,” says Lucy. Hortus started 15 years ago by owner Aaron Jay and his family. Aaron was working in the vineyards when he got the opportunity to buy a contracting company. The company has grown from 10 staff to 93 permanent staff in operations, finance and People & Culture, and well over a thousand seasonal workers. Phone: 03 983 5500 Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. DO OUR READERS KNOW YOU EXIST? Hortus staff at a planning meeting. IT for real people by real people. Proud to support Hortus for over a decade. Well done, team! We offer a complete suite of IT services. If you need it, whether it's hardware, software or support services, we have it. (03) 577 9530 Robyne Jukes DEDICATED RSE TRAVEL COORDINATOR Motueka 03 928 4283 027 432 1490 Congratulations Hortus Ltd! Deserved Primary Sector category winner at the 2022 Marlborough Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards. We’re proud to work alongside you delivering RSE travel solutions to exceptional kiwi businesses. 5P »OE PVU NPSF BCPVU IPX PVS TQFDJBMJTU 34& USBWFM UFBN FYQFSU TFSWJDF BOE FYDMVTJWF BJSMJOF CFOF»UT BSF IFMQJOH DPVOUMFTT BDDSFEJUFE FNQMPZFST UIF MFOHUI PG UIF DPVOUSZ XF JOWJUF ZPV UP HFU JO UPVDI XJUI PVS #MFOIFJN CBTFE DPOTVMUBOU GPS BO PCMJHBUJPO GSFF DIBU