Business South April 2023

The team at Cresswell Electrical are delighted to have been ‘the bright sparks’ delivering the electrical side of the project for Blenheim’s new library. As the region’s oldest electrical rm (having been established in 1878) history and legacy is something that is important to the company. Cresswell’s co-owner Stephen Leitch says, “we’re really proud to have been involved with this ‘legacy project’ for our region. It’s a library for the future – with a reshaping of the paradigm for what a library can mean for a community”. “And the attention to detail and nish that the team have brought to the work is genuinely outstanding. The irony is that they have done such a beautiful job and on a large scale, but the vast majority of their work will never be seen – tucked away in neat lines behind the walls and ceilings, and under oors”. The scale of the project is indeed impressive, with over 15 kilometres of cable used in the installation, coupled with over 900 terminations and switches, and power supplied from seven di erent distribution boards throughout the building, fed from the central main switchboard. All the light xtures are LED and use around 85-90% less electricity than traditional incandescent or halogen type. The project required some thinking outside the box too, with the team needing to manufacture lighting brackets for the ceiling themselves, in order to deliver the result required by the bespoke nature of the batten ceiling and acoustic features. The seismic bracing resulted in some special e orts too, for example separation of the data and services wiring to accommodate the bracing. The upstairs angled ceilings were also challenging for the lighting rod suspension t-out - requiring lasers to square the rods from three di erent directions, and multiple angles. But this is a team that prides itself on rising to the challenge, says Leitch. “The team has taken every challenge in their stride, and the solutions have often been impressive. The precision involved in installing one of the 100kg+ boards into a cupboard in the con nes of a corridor, with less than an inch clearance, well it is a bit like the proverbial eye of a needle stu . We’re all very proud of the solutions and the standard of workmanship.” A highlight for the team was lighting the distinctive tree feature in the children’s section upstairs, reports Cresswell’s Project Lead, Jamie Miller. “It’s not every day you get to light up a tree in our line of work,” he laughs. “I hope it helps create a magical library experience for all the Marlborough children.” The Cresswell Electrical Team for the library project were: PROJECT LEAD Jamie Miller PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR Johan Nieuwoudt TECHNICAL SUPPORT Hayden Giles PROJECT TEAM Myles Grinter James Hodgkinson Jason Bennett Lucas Skipper GENERAL MANAGER Glen Pro tt The bright sparks behind lighting the library