Business South April 2023

24 | Marlborough: Aroma REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Innovation a focus at Aroma Havelock mussel farm. Aroma has extensive processing and warehouse facilities at Havelock Port, home to the company’s green-lipped mussel drying and extracting operation in Marlborough. Green lipped mussel oil caps (bottom). Aroma seeks out innovation and operates as sustainably as possible, on land and in the marine environment. In 2023, a new flash dryer will be installed enabling waste mussel shell to be used for fertiliser and animal feeds. It means that all the shell taken out of the water is re-used in a circular system. In 2021, a new milling and powder blending facility was installed to service growing international demand. The green-lipped mussel oil CO2 super critical fluid extraction system was selected as a great substitute for traditional solvent extraction processes. In June 2020, Aroma NZ acquired the BIOLANE™ Green-lipped mussel extract brand from Vitaco. Biolane was the first ever greenlipped mussel powder brand in New Zealand. Backed by clinical studies, it built a reputation for world-class manufacturing. The acquisition led to a further expansion of Aroma’s international clientele and came with all the original clinical studies backing the role of green-lipped mussel extracts in joint-care. Research is now pointing the way to botanicals for Aroma, with dahlia flower extracts seen as having a useful role in blood glucose care. “We’ve recently started looking at botanicals and are working with Otago University. We should get our first product to market in March or April,” says John. “ The science is all there; we’re just working to get it to the commercialisation stage.” Aroma purchased Moffatts Flower Company in Christchurch two and a half years ago to fast track this diversification into botanicals. Moffatts continues to operate as a standalone wholesale flower grower and retailer, but is lending their growers’ expertise as Aroma steps up dahlia production on adjacent land. “We have job opportunities available for horticultural staff who could be interested in that side of our operation.” As a well-established and responsible employer, Aroma has robust health and safety procedures across all parts of the business, from land to sea. T T Kim Newth Mild Steel • Aluminium • Stainless Steel • Marine Engineering • Sub Contracting • General Engineering Repairs & Modifications • Custom Fabrications Complete Project Work • Fully Portable • Onsite Welding Aluminium Boat Building • Hydraulic Sales & Repairs SERVICES INCLUDING: 0274275101 Hilco Engineeri g &hydra E L E C T R I C A L L T D Established Reputation & Quality Installations Phone: 03 572 8179 a.12 Uxbridge Street, Renwick e. Commercial & Domestic Industrial & Maintenance New Homes Heatpump Installations Home Ventilation Under Tile Heating Lighting Design Proud to be providing quality service to Aroma Over 35 Years Quality Workmanship & Established Reputation