4 | REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Chatham Islands Enterprise Trust T T Richard Loader Airport extension allows jet access The Chatham Islands Airport project includes a 480m runway extension and runway strengthening to accommodate 60 tonne aircraft such as the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737. Aptly entitled the Longer & Stronger Project, work is nearing completion on the Chatham Islands’ Airport extension that will facilitate the introduction of jet aircraft, and future proof the critical connection between the island and mainland. The move to larger aircraft is necessitated by the obsoletion of the Convair aircraft and the need to provide a runway capable of accommodating likely replacement aircraft of greater capability into the future, and propel the island into the 21st century jet age. Project scope includes a 480 metre extension to the west. At the completion of the project the runway will be 1850 metres long. Not much less than Wellington’s runway, the Chatham Islands new runway will be the fifth longest in New Zealand. Scope also includes runway strengthening to accommodate 60 tonne aircraft such as the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 type, and it will also be the only airport in New Zealand with a full 300 metre runway and safety area at both ends. A larger apron will facilitate the parking of jets. Enhanced security infrastructure, primarily fencing, will be constructed and the terminal facility will be expanded with the addition of a modular Fraemohs unit that more than doubles the size of the existing building, which currently serves as both the arrival and departure terminal. The existing building will receive a thorough makeover and will be designated for arrivals, while the extension will be for departures. Passenger bags are currently loaded from the aircraft onto a platform and transported by forklift out into the open for collection, but the new baggage handling facility will provide under cover collection for passenger convenience and comfort. The Project owner is the Chatham Islands Airport Company, a subsidiary company of Chatham Islands Enterprise Trust (CIE Trust). CIE Trust CEO Noel Brown says that through improved connectivity with mainland New Zealand, the runway extension and the arrival of larger jet aircraft will provide significant benefits to the remote island community. “Those benefits will include improved air service reliability, greater cargo capacity to support the significant growth in the fishing, tourism and livestock industry, along with improved social and wellbeing benefits.” Design and engineering standards of the new runway and terminal building have been developed by BECA Ltd, who have also been engaged as project engineers and client side project managers. Downer NZ Limited is the primary contractor for construction of the new runway and apron and its asphalting. Noel says Downer was selected as part of the Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) process, which included submissions from three major construction companies. In combination with quality and price, the tendering process looked at previous track record and experience in lengthening and strengthening runways in Pacific Island areas, which is what Downer NZ brings to this project. “At the start of the tender process the contractor was also required to open up employment opportunities to Chatham Island residents if they had compatible skills that could be brought to the project, or be prepared to train any interested Island residents who wanted to be part of the project.” Project planning commenced in late 2020 and continued through 2021. The base of the runway commenced construction in mid 2021 and was completed in mid 2022. Asphalting, which is the strengthening of the runway, commenced in mid 2022 and is programmed for completion in March 2023. The extended terminal and associated ancillary works are programmed for completion in late September 2023. “Given that we have had to work through Covid and the Chatham Islands’ weather, construction has gone ahead quite seamlessly. We have been very happy with the work that Downers have done, in conjunction BECA, our project managers. For a major project on the island, it has progressed extremely well. We are now just looking forward to the official opening.” Proud to Support the Chatham Islands Council 036872033 timaru@mitre10.co.nz ASHBURTON, TIMARU & OAMARU Proud to be part of the team strengthening our region’s infrastructure. Contact us Phone: 03 305 0682 Email: info@fultonhogan.com Web: fultonhogan.com Chatham Islands Road Maintenance