Business South April 2023

52 | REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Hilton Haulage T T Kelly Deeks Haulage firm anchored in Sth Canty Hilton Haulage employs 460 people across 18 locations nationwide. After 50 years in business, Hilton Haulage is continuing its pattern of sustainable growth through its focus on on-going, mutually beneficial partnerships with its customers, and its commitment to the constant improvement of speed to market for their products. “We aim to be New Zealand’s most valued and trusted logistics provider,” says Hilton Haulage general manager bulk and general transport Scott McAuley. “We attract and retain the very best staff, and we ensure our tools, resources and systems constantly adapt and develop to meet the ever-evolving needs of our clients.” Hilton Haulage was founded along Hilton Highway in Timaru during the 1970s by Sid McAuley and Angus Murray, a pair of typical Kiwi blokes with a good idea and a hard work ethic. Sid and Angus worked hard in the following years, growing their business from carting hay bales across the Canterbury Plains into chilled transport, general freight, and bulk agricultural transport services, and a staff base of 20 operating out of Timaru and Christchurch. In 1994, Hilton Haulage’s existing management banded together to make a successful bid. and Hilton Haulage LP was formed. Together, they saw an opportunity to service Canterbury’s agricultural sector and started working towards a gate to plate philosophy and adding value for its customers. “The directors hoped to build a brand that they could be proud of and under their governance, Hilton Haulage grew into an iconic brand for Canterbury, encompassing general and bulk transport, dairy transport, a crane division, container transport, and managed warehouses throughout the South Island.” Ngai Tahu purchased a 50% share in Hilton Haulage in 2016. The blending of the founding members of Hilton Haulage with Ngai Tahu cemented their commitment as a locally owned business that is focused on the long-term generational well-being of the company and its contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand. It also meant a significant proportion of the financial return Hilton Haulage contributes to Ngai Tahu goes into not-for-profit programs including education, environmental regeneration, health, and housing. Today, Hilton Haulage employs 460 people across 18 locations nationwide and offers a vast range of services including general, bulk, dairy, chilled, container transportation, crane services, and warehousing. ”With the help of our people, we continue on our mission to be the most valued and trusted logistics provider in New Zealand.” Either by good luck or by design, Hilton Haulage’s customers have tended to have sustained strong growth in their respective fields, and several have been serviced by Hilton Haulage for five decades. “We have partnered with very successful customers, and we have been privileged to suport them through their growth,” Scott says. “We’ve been doing Sanford and Watties’ work for 50 years and we’ve grown alongside them. When Synlait opened a dairy factory in Pokeno in Auckland, they trusted us to execute the transport task in the North Island. Our customers have taken us to other parts of New Zealand, yet we are still proud to be based here in South Canterbury, and to be one of our region’s largest employers.” As a high-production, agriculturally driven province, South Canterbury punches well above its weight in both the production and Timaru Motors 207 Hilton Highway | Timaru P 03 687 4133 | Proud to supply New Vehicles to Hilton Haulage -Timaru Turners Trucks & Machinery are proud partners of Hilton Haulage