58 | COMTRACTING Enviroflo T T Rachel Graham Demand spurs company’s huge growth Starting with two men and a van, four years later Enviroflo now employs 25 people and was placed sixth on the 2022 Deloitte Fast 50 index, with a revenue growth of 467%. Enviroflo is a relatively new Christchurch business, but it has taken huge strides in its first four years. Enviroflo is a drainage company set up by Ryan Gebbie and Hayden Greig. Ryan says the company started out as just the two of them and a van. Now four years later they employ 25 people and were placed sixth on the 2022 Deloitte Fast 50 index, with a revenue growth of 467%. The Deloitte Fast 50 Index celebrates New Zealand’s fastest growing companies who have shown significant growth in the last three years. Companies needed to meet certain criteria, including being a New Zealand registered company, have revenue of $1m or above in the 2020 fiscal year, and have submitted independently prepared financial states for 2020 and 2022. Ryan Gebbie puts the huge growth down to a real demand for their services, and the great people they have surrounded themselves with. “We’ve been very lucky to have really good people around us. Our staff mostly started out as friends and family who were experienced drainlayers and plumbers. All had been in the industry for a while and are really experienced and great workers. And that has just allowed us to expand really quickly.” The company’s primary focus is currently residential and commercial drain laying, with some civil work as well. They cover Christchurch, Kaikoura, North and South Canterbury and Greymouth. Enviroflo are independent drainage specialists and bring together experience and environmentally friendly practises to consistently deliver a high-quality service. Ryan says the environmental focus can be seen in their focus on recycling wherever possible, ensuring they reduce waste as much as possible and working on future options like recycling the PVC pipes. He says they recently undertook an environmental assessment, so they have a clear view of the next steps for them to continue to reduce their environmental impact. “It is something which is important to me, and we think it is definitely the right direction for us to be heading in. Especially as we expand, it’s good to have the right habits in place.” Another area of real interest for Enviroflo is new technologies as they look at expanding further into increased civil work. One new technique they are looking at is trenchless technologies which allow work to be carried out with less digging up of roads, less mess, less rehabilitation and less impact on the environment. He says they are also interested in other new technologies like directional drilling and pipelining. Pipelining involves pulling an inflatable pipe into an old one, which is then set with an epoxy resin. Mid-year Ryan and Hayden are heading to a conference in Germany where they will get the chance to learn about the latest techniques. In addition to laying new drains Enviroflo’s can offer EQC repairs, camera drain inspections, drain repairs and unblock drains. They can also do work such as grease trap installation and stormwater control systems. In rural locations they can help with septic system installation, watermain installation and home irrigation systems, along with other services. With many major projects ahead to upgrade New Zealand’s infrastructure, especially with the planned introduction of the Three Waters Reform Programme, Ryan is expecting Enviroflo will continue to grow and be busy for many years to come. www.pipemedic.co.nz No-dig Pipe Repair Solutions. We have a wide range of capabilities to handle all trenchless pipeline repairs. Before you dig or remove surfaces, PipeMedic can diagnose your pipeline and offer a repair strategy that can be fully trenchless or partly trenchless for the most time and cost effective solution. BOOTH BINS Phone 021 908 494 or 03 383 5919 Commercial & Residential Hard Fill Specialists Great Prices Guaranteed Each edition priority delivered to your door. . www.waterfordpress.co.nz/subscriptions . . . scriptions 03 983 5525 Stay informed; we work with business owners and decision-makers across all economic sectors, profiling their success. i ; i i i i - ll i , ili i . Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. r i , r I tr , r . Volume 31 | Issue 1 |Feb-March 2022 www.waterfordpress.co.nz Banking the Seed Producing top quality pine tree stock is a key focus for leading forestry company PFOlsen. PAGE 50 Seawall success Isaac Construction was a big winner at the CCNZ awards for its work on the Portobell Seawall project. 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