Business South April 2023

72 | Upgrade improves capabilities T T from page 70 South Pacific Meats - Malvern PRODUCTION RefTech Ltd is a kiwi company specialising in the design of industrial refrigeration systems including CO2 and ammonia refrigerants. We are pleased to have been selected to signi cantly expand SPM’s freezing, coldstorage, product chilling and processing facilities as well as supply high temperature heat pumps to provide 65C and 92C hot water for the plant using waste heat from the refrigeration system. Proudly supporting South Paci c Meats | 03 359 9404 | 24A She eld Crescent Christchurch 8053 29 Epsom Road, Sockburn, Christchurch 8042 Brendon 021 197 3753 Simon 021 913 898 • Stainless, Aluminium and Mild Steel Fabrication • Maintenance Support • Cut and Fold Sheetmetal • Design and Build • Residential • Commercial • Industrial Proud to support South Pacific Meats with their metal fabrication requirements and maintenance support He Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Equipment Supply, Ice Banks, Water/Glycol Chillers, at Recovery Branches Nationwide Christchurch Support Office Email: Phone: (03) 339 2617 Energy EIʳFLHQW EQJLQHHULQJ 2 +RXU 6HUYLFH 'HVLJQ %XLOG PrevenWDWLvH 0DLQWenanFH 6XSSO\ ,QVWDOODWLRQ Located just inland from Burnham, the Malvern plant operates 48 weeks of the year, with a day and night shift on the beef line and a single shift on the ovine line. “Typically, we process around 70,000 to 90,000 cattle per year, around 500,000 lamb and mutton, and about 60,000 bobby calves. Seventy percent of our stock comes from the wider Canterbury region, with the balance from all over the South Island. “Given that we’re the only beef plant within the AFFCO Group in the South Island our beef catchment is pretty wide spread. The relationship with our suppliers is very important to us and highly valued. During Covid when capacity tightened up across the whole country, we were able to reward those loyal customers who had been supplying us over many years by prioritising their stock.” A major employer in the region, between 500 – 600 people work on site at Malvern at any time bringing together the diverse range of professions, skill sets and trades required for a modern meat processing plant to function effectively and efficiently. “There’s everything from labourers, skilled knife hands, engineers and electricians, fitters, managers and supervisors, and forklift drivers,’ says Adam. “We have a lot of local workers, but we also have a lot of migrant workers, who were initially involved in the Christchurch re-build following the earthquake. We have in excess of thirty nationalities on site, which creates a very diverse and interesting dynamic. We get staff from far as Ashburton, through to north of Christchurch and everywhere in between. AFFCO has been on a journey in regard to worker engagement and looking after people’s health and safety, not only at work but also at home. “We have introduced a number of initiatives across site that are building a really strong culture. We’re providing fruit to everybody daily, and we provide meals two times a week. We’re now looking at sports events and fitness challenges. People are coming forward and saying they are loving it; our managers really care about us. So, its building a really happy and caring place to work.” The Malvern plant operates 48 weeks of the year, with a day and night shift on the beef line and a single shift on the ovine line.