80 | PROPERTY Ngāi Tahu Property Ltd: Property Council NZ T T Kim Newth Longevity, guardianship values key Profits generated by Ngāi Tahu Property, and other Ngāi Tahu Holdings businesses, are distributed to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and then invested back into tribal development. Ngāi Tahu Property is a leading property development and investment company with a strategic focus that goes much wider than short-term commercial gain. Owned by Te Waipounamu (South Island) based iwi, Ngāi Tahu, the tribal whakataukī mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri a muri ake nei – for us and our children after us, ensures the company remains future focused. “When we are undertaking development opportunities, such as residential homes, early engagement with mana whenua is essential to help guide the design principles and the cultural narrative,” explains Scott McCulloch, Ngāi Tahu Property’s National Business Development Manager. “A lot of their input is around recognising the core values and intergenerational thinking, like kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and mana, and how these are being expressed throughout the development.” Profits generated by Ngāi Tahu Property, and other Ngāi Tahu Holdings businesses, are distributed to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and then invested back into tribal development, including grants for tertiary education and scholarships, language revitalisation, environmental projects, marae projects and many more programmes that advance the wellbeing of the Iwi. haihaia form of long-term savings scheme for our members38Aeducation, first home ownership, retirement and hardship Scott notes that when he took up his role with Ngāi Tahu Property in 2015, the number of registered Ngāi Tahu members was around 55,000. As of today, that has climbed to more than 77,000. He says Ngāi Tahu is a big part of New Zealand society and a significant contributor to the South Island economy. Ngāi Tahu Property is also a corporate member of Property Council New Zealand that advocates for Aotearoa New Zealand’s property industry. The iwi is also represented on the recently created Construction Sector Accord. This is a Property Council and Government initiated partnership which is responsible for driving a cultural change to achieve a thriving, fair and sustainable construction sector. Construction is currently facing some significant challenges especially around managing risk and limited resources. “We have a chronic shortage of skilled people, especially within the subtrade sector where we are seeing significant price escalation. We often hear about the affordable housing crisis and commentary blaming the Powell Fenwick is proud to support and work alongside Ngai Tahu Property Ltd PROUDLY ASSOCIATED WITH NGAI TAHU PROPERTY LTD www.cosgroves.com BUILDING SERVICES | FIRE | FIRE PROTECTION | SUSTAINABILITY | CIVIL | ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Lewis Bradford has been delighted to provide structural engineering expertise for Ngai Tahu Property across many projects, over many years. We wish Ngai Tahu Property continued success with all their future development aspirations. www.lewisbradford.com