Business South April 2023

92 | Specialists in SIP build systems Falcon Developments specialise in building with structurally insulated panels (SIPs), along with remedial work, commercial, renovations and kitchens, bathrooms and decks. Falcon Developments T T Russell Fredric BUILDING Falcon Developments owner Damian Orman is pleased about the level his building business is settling at nearly 10 years after he established it. Damian runs the business from Glenorchy where he lives with his family, and also has a Queenstown-based operation. After finishing his own house in 2016, he had a hankering to work for himself. The company now employs 10 trade staff and specialises in building with structurally insulated panels, along with remedial work, commercial, renovations and kitchens, bathrooms and decks. “I haven’t really looked back since. It was pretty buoyant, so it was good timing from that respect; there was a strong market and a steady flow of work. It was just a case of building the team and finding a comfortable level; not too big and not too small. “I guess you just find what you’re comfortable with. I knew when it was too much and you also know when it’s not quite enough, you need that depth to what work you’ve got on your books so if one thing trips up you’ve got something else to put the guys on, you don’t skip a beat.” In the United Kingdom and elsewhere, Damian has been responsible for coordinating and delivering numerous multi-million-pound contracts to strict timelines with a labour force in excess 30 trades, working with government bodies such as the Ministry of Defence, National Health Service and a number of housing associations, as well as direct with private clients. Consequently, he has gained experience in different building methods across nations which has given him a strong understanding of clients’ needs and requirements and the importance of solid working relationships. It has also indelibly imprinted another fundamental aspect of working in construction, regardless of the scale. “It’s about accountability, the job doesn’t finish with the last invoice, you’re looking for lasting results that are going to perform. That’s what it gave me, the longevity; standing by your work and the accountability of what you do.” “We’ve also placed ourselves quite firmly in the renovation area of the market and we’re really motivated a new lease of life again because that’s the way we need to be thinking these days; what’s best for the climate and what’s best for the industry.” This work includes bringing houses up to Healthy Homes standards, which not only benefits the occupants, but also contributes to raising the overall standard of New Zealand’s housing stock, Damian says. There is good demand for SIPs (structurally insulated panel) construction. He emphasises that this is a system, not just an element of the overall construction. Used as walls, roofs, and floors in residential and commercial buildings, SIPs panels are high-performing thermally efficient composite panels that consist of a sandwich of two layers of structural strand board with an insulating layer of foam in between. “It’s great to see because SIPs buildings really perform, they have a good, constant thermal envelope right through the floor to the walls to the roof, whereas other types of insulation are prone to thermal breaks and cold spots and energy loss areas. It’s a really good system, it’s really taking off here now.” “It’s great to see because SIPs buildings really perform, they have a good, constant thermal envelope right through the floor to the walls to the roof...” 17 Brookes Rd, Frankton, Queenstown 9300 Ph 03 442 9173 Falcon Developments See us for the most extensive flooring range in Queenstown, and a knowledgeable team with service you can trust. Proud to be associated with Falcon Developments For design & supply contact: CROMWELL Email: | Phone: 0800 27 22 33 | WM Roofing are proud to support Falcon Developments. Phone: 03 983 5500 Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. DO OUR READERS KNOW YOU EXIST?