122 | COMMUNITY Parklands School & IMB Construction T T Bernadette Cooney School development adds new dimension The new classrooms will provide connectivity between indoor and outdoor spaces and easy classroom configurations will aid teaching and presentation capability. “We’ve been through quite the process on the pricing to make sure we’re within budget and IMB have been very helpful in getting us across the line.” A new multi-purpose classroom facility at Parklands School in Motueka will be opened with great celebration this Matariki – when it is hoped it will be ready to welcome its Te Reo tamariki to a fresh new learning environment. The $1.3 million facility ends decades of making do for the school’s Te Kura o Pakarana teaching staff who had previously been housed in three old prefab classrooms which were beyond refurbishment says Parklands School principal Andrea Smith. “It’s very exciting for the school and the wider community,” she says, “to have a purpose built, open plan learning space will really add a new dimension to not only our school but the community at large.” The concrete slab build includes toilet and shower block and communal kitchen and servery facility. Encompassing the school motto – ‘In the heart of the community, with the community at heart’ the three new classrooms will double as activity space – hopefully being able to help with accommodation for Kapa Haka teams with National Kapa Haka Competitions being held in Nelson in 2024 and 2025. The new build will provide connectivity between indoor and outdoor spaces and easy classroom configurations will aid teaching and presentation capability. Raised platforms with storage space and flexible learning environments for individuals or groups coupled with a good deal more natural light will make the space much more attractive and inviting. Tender for the MoE funded building was awarded to established Nelson building company IMB Construction. “They’ve been really great throughout the whole project, “Andrea says. “Very accommodating when we’ve needed to adjust design, or the type of materials used. We’ve been through quite the process on the pricing to make sure we’re within budget and IMB have been very helpful in getting us across the line.” Credit due also to the school’s vision team which helped brainstorm in the planning for the schools’ Te Reo me ona Tikanga Māori unit. “The team consisted of our bi-lingual Māori teachers plus our kaiawhina (teacher aide) and representatives from each of the manu whenua iwi here in Motueka (Te Atiawa and Ngati Rarua) Also involved is our project manager Rua Sargent, architect Kenny Duke and Maihi Barber (Resource teacher of Māori for the Motueka region.) These people have put in a lot of work to help initiate this,” Andrea says. The aim is to have the new bi-lingual classrooms officially opened during Matariki this year with a blessing in the morning and a full day of festivities including waiata, hangi and fun games for whole whanau. Fundraising for $400K of outdoor landscaping development is now underway. Andea added that any donation from businesses or individuals would be most appreciated. The school development includes garden/ community space on High Street of Motueka – right in the heart of the Motueka community. IMB Construction are members of the Registered Master Builders Association and are experienced residential, commercial and educational contractors having completed builds for Nelson Girls College, Garin College and St Vincent Street Day Care. • Maintenance • Residential • Industrial • Fitouts • Commercial • Alterations • Design • Build Proud tobeworkingalongside Parklands School & IMBConstruction 86 Vanguard St, Nelson Phone 03 546 8161 • Email info@imb.nz www.imb.nz info@theelectriccompany.co.nz Proud to work with Parklands School and IMB Construction