Business South April 2024

ZZZ DFFRXQWLQJ FR Q] 6KRZ 3ODFH &KULVWFKXUFK %XVLQHVV $GYLVRUV &KDUWHUHG $FFRXQWDQWV /DXQFK RU H[SDQG \RXU EXVLQHVV ZLWK .HQGRQV %XVLQHVV $GYLVRUV &DOO XV PHQWLRQ %XVLQHVV 6RXWK DQG ILQG RXW KRZ /LDP FDQ KHOS \RX DQG \RXU EXVLQHVV ZLWK D FRPSOLPHQWDU\ FRQVXOWDWLRQ Kendons Business Advisors: Beyond Tax Returns−Guiding Businesses to Success Business success isn't merely about crunching numbers; it's about strategic planning, meticulous execution and adaptive problem solving. Recognising this, Christchurch chartered accountants and tax advisors, Kendons go beyond the conventional roles of accounting and tax advice. With a steadfast commitment to empowering businesses, the practice also o ers comprehensive business consultancy and coaching services tailored to navigate the complexities of modern commerce. "Our approach is not just about preparing tax returns and inancial statements. We walk a path with our clients, understanding their business inside out, and collaboratively set goals over a 12-month timeframe to achieve tangible results," says Liam O'Shea, Associate at Kendons Business Advisors. At the heart of Kendons' consultancy service lies a deep understanding of its clients' unique needs and aspirations. Through strategic guidance and practical solutions, the team of expert consultants assists businesses in optimising operations, enhancing e iciency, and maximising pro itability. Liam says that Kendons’ advisory services cover a wide spectrum from recognising growth opportunities, change management and streamlining operations to providing decision support and acting as a reliable sounding board for the client’s business aspirations. One example of Kendons' impact is evident in the practice’s work with a wholesaling company grappling with the challenges posed by the COVID 19 pandemic. Despite prior growth, the business faced severe disruptions to its supply chain, leading to decreased pro itability and cash low strains. “Kendons initially sat down with the client to undertake a diagnostic process, where we spent time understanding how the business works and operates. Once we had a good understanding of the business we worked together to devise a comprehensive roadmap spanning 12 to 24 months. This roadmap identi ied speci ic goals, addressed challenges and implemented strategies to overcome obstacles. Together, we worked to obtain appropriate inancing and to set up systems to help the business succeed. This work included setting up regular reviews of the business margin and product pro itability, creating a sales system and holding the client accountable to the plan. Through regular reviews and strategic interventions, including inancial restructuring and operational improvements, the company not only regained pro itability but also positioned itself for substantial growth opportunities,” says Liam. Founded in the 1920s, Kendons boasts a rich legacy of empowering businesses across Canterbury and beyond. The practice’s commitment to excellence is underpinned by a blend of traditional values and progressive technology. While its expertise in compliance services is well recognised, Kendons' forward-thinking approach ensures that businesses stay ahead of evolving regulatory requirements, says Liam. With a strong foundation of knowledge, experience, and innovation, he says Kendons continues to be a trusted partner for businesses whether in Christchurch or across New Zealand. "Our vision at Kendons is to empower business owners and safeguard their success. Through thoughtful, respectful and honest communication, we strive to drive the extra mile and help our clients be the best they can be.”