Business South April 2024

92 | T T Kim Newth New build market holding steady Passive solar elements include deep verandahs and polished concrete floors. BUILDING Amuri Building Specialists While ongoing higher interest rates are impacting the residential building market, Hanmer Springs in North Canterbury remains an attractive choice for out of town buyers who love the alpine resort lifestyle. Amuri Building Specialists is the go-to builder for many in Hanmer Springs. Dan McGuire and his team are seasoned builders of architectural homes in the local area and also provide quality commercial new build and home renovation services. Underlining their expertise, Amuri Building Specialists is proud to have won a regional silver award at the Master Builders’ House of the Year 2023 awards for a beautiful multi-storey holiday home on a steep hill site in Hanmer Springs. “The awards’ function was a great night out for us at Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre and we also took the homeowners along because they were so much part of the build too,” says Dan. “It was great for them to see that what they’ve invested in has been recognised. “I always felt this home had that potential to be a House of the Year award winner because of the architectural design and the difficulty of the site-specific, multi-level build. For our team, it shows that we can match it with the big boys in our industry.” Designed by Sally Turnbull Architecture, the three-storey home includes four bedrooms, two bathrooms and two living rooms with the layout maximising the site’s outstanding views. Passive solar elements include deep verandahs and polished concrete floors. “On a project like this, you need good rapport between the builder, architect and client and that’s what we had here.” Dan has been in the building industry for over 40 years and in Hanmer Springs for the past 20 years. He and the team share around 80 years of experience between them and have well-established industry relationships. Amuri Building Specialists has recently completed another beautiful new home in Hanmer Springs. On a flat site in Chatterton River Estate, their latest build is a stylish four-bedroom family home. Designed by Mitch Fearnley (M C Fearnley Design Ltd), it features tranquil open plan living with extensive decking to take full advantage of the sunny aspect and mountain views. Dan and his team are seeing ongoing steady demand for both new family homes and new holiday homes in the alpine village, with the “The awards’ function was a great night out for us at Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre and we also took the homeowners along because they were so much part of the build too.” bulk of enquiries from Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch and from families through to retirees. As well, some local businesses are investing to build new staff accommodation to help with staff recruitment and retention. “We currently have two new home builds underway and more builds in the pipeline. We’re always pricing for new projects and do a lot of home renovation work too, from bathroom renovations to fencing and decks. Our streamlined team of five has the right mix of skills and we’re getting through as much work as ever.” Both current new home builds – one in Waiau and one in Hanmer – are large family homes. The two builds are advancing well, with flooring in place. “They’re both close to completion.” Dan welcomes the easing of supply chain disruptions over the past few years, which is giving greater certainty on project timelines. “[But] you still have to stay adaptable and be prepared; let’s see what happens with the Red Sea shipping situation.” In terms of product trends, Amuri Building Specialists is using a lot of Spotted Gum in 2024. This is one of Australia’s premium native hardwoods and has a high degree of natural durability and strength. “It is as beautiful as cedar and more robust. We’re using it as a vertical shiplap weatherboard. We’re also using a lot of hydronic underfloor heating systems and systems with air conditioning into rooms. Of course, our focus is always on building very energy efficient homes.” WƌŽƵĚ ƚŽ ƐƵƉƉůLJ DhZ/ h/> Z^ ǁŝƚŚ ŚŝŐŚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ ƐƵƉƉůŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ͘ PBLMFZTQMVNCJOH DP O[ SOXPELQJ VXSSOLHV EDWKURRP VROXWLRQV 5PVS UISPVHI PVS 7JSUVBM TIPXSPPN BU $)3*45$)63$) %6/&%*/ 8"/"," $30.8&-- /&-40/ <HDUV 6LQFH 025( 7+$1