Innoflow – the wastewater specialists When Gibbston Valley Resort required a ‘design, build and operate’ solution for a new wastewater treatment plant and land application system for their resort development, wastewater specialist Inno low speci ied a turnkey solution tailored for the client’s needs. Working directly with the team at Gibbston Valley Resort, Inno low o ered a wastewater solution that will meet consent limits, is modular to match development growth, has low whole of life costs, and a low environmental footprint. Inno low provides turnkey package wastewater treatment plants for decentralised applications such as the resort at Gibbston Valley. Inno low’s products are modular by design allowing ease of expansion to match development growth. “They are particularly suitable for sites which have luctuations in daily lows and organic loading, and for this project, the ability to reduce nitrogen e iciently in a cold environment was a key reason for their selection,” says Technical Manager Brent Hawthorn. “Construction is due to commence in October/November with completion early 2023.” Founded in 1994 Inno low is the New Zealand distributor of high-performance wastewater technology by Orenco® Systems in the USA. Based in north Auckland and providing a nationwide service, Inno low works with engineers & councils throughout the country developing new wastewater systems and upgrading existing systems to o -grid public toilets and campgrounds. “We can design a wastewater system for any type of residential or commercial site that cannot be connected to the council system,” explains Business Development Manager Craig Litherland. “We do a lot of work with property developers and can create a completely decentralised o -grid wastewater treatment system, that’s self-containing. That enables developers to create communities where they would not previously have been able to because it was not feasible or possible to connect to a council system. We have now designed and installed our systems in more than seventy residential communities around New Zealand, with Queenstown’s Jacks Point development being our lagship community, which now has over ive hundred houses connected to the system.” In-house design engineers, project managers and servicing personnel, enable Inno low to have a one-stop-shop approach to its customers, while working collaboratively with their clients’ engineering consultants. “We will work with the client from initial feasibility right through to delivering the project, supplying, installing and maintaining/servicing the system. We have a subsidiary company called S3, which is our nationwide servicing arm of the business. They do all the routine maintenance, servicing and call-outs.” Using experience coupled with technology, the team at Inno low will design a system to very strict requirements. “Our modular AdvanTex® technology can be expanded over time as the development or client’s needs grow, providing very signi icant cost e iciencies,” says Craig. “While each individual site has its own step-system, the wastewater is not disposed on each section, enabling smaller but more sections in the development. The treated e luent is typically disposed into land via subsurface dripline. In special cases there can be a trench design or dripline is surface laid for irrigation.” Being able to design robust sustainable systems that are built for long term performance has been a strong contributor to the company’s successful operation and growth over the past three decades.