Business South August 2022

| 59 Marlborough: Talley’s Blenheim REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Talley’s processes about 30 percent of New Zealand’s annual 90,000 tonnes mussel harvest, into snap-frozen half shells. Establishing Will Power Electrical fourteen years ago to service customers throughout the Marlborough region, Will McGruddy has tightly held to a policy of continuous improvement. That policy has earned Will and his team the respect of many of Marlborough’s industrial, commercial and residential customers who have been part of Will Power’s journey from the start. “I’m passionate about learning more,” says Will. “I don’t want to keep doing things the same way. I want to know how to do things better to create more e iciency and reliability for the customer. It’s about working with people to ind practical solutions so everyone bene its.” Based in BlenheimWill Power Electrical’s, industrial and commercial work involves many of Marlborough’s food production factories and wineries. “This is really an area in which we specialise. We respond to a lot of plant breakdowns to get businesses back up and operating again quickly. We recognise that down time is lost production and that is lost revenue for the business. So we make sure we react quickly to ind solutions that are going to last.” That ability to respond quickly and ind enduring solutions has earned Will Power Electrical the privilege of being Talley’s electrical contractor of choice for its Marlborough operations. Continuous improvement takes Will Power “Talley’s is one of the biggest food production facilities in Marlborough and we’ve looked after them for the last fourteen years doing everything from responding to breakdowns through to their project work. We also look after Talley’s Mussel site in Havelock, the irrigation on their farms, and their coolstores.” In addition to repair work, Will Power Electrical is heavily in demand for commercial and industrial projects installing machinery or undertaking upgrades to existing plant. “With project work you need to be organised to hit deadlines for when the machines are due to be commissioned. We also do transformer upgrades into the wineries and factories to increase power supply or capacity to meet business growth. And we do a lot of work with the region’s wineries, particularly around harvest and vintage, servicing and repairing irrigation pumps, controls and wine presses.” Will Power Electrical’s commecial work is complemented with domestic projects from switchboards, small electrical repairs, or wiring new homes, and is now involved in powerline work in new subdivisions. Re lecting on his company’s success, Will says it always comes do understanding peoples expectations and doing your best to exceed them. Industrial and Commercial Electrical Specialists Proud to be servicing Talley’s Group for over 14 years Offce 577 9898 | nfo@wllpowerelectrcal€co€nz