6 | FISHERIES SECTOR Talley’s Limited Embracing change for the better Kim Newth In the New Zealand market, the Talley’s name is synonymous with fresh-caught, tasty fish. Closely allied with the brand also is a commitment to responsible stewardship of both people and the marine environment that permeates every aspect of the company’s operations. Talley’s supports a fleet of more than 80 independently owned and operated in-shore vessels throughout the South Island and parts of the lower North Island. Fishing on behalf of Talley’s, the fleet harvests 30 or more types of fish, most of which are sold in New Zealand. As one of New Zealand’s most experienced fishing industry leaders, Doug Loder has witnessed how fishing practices across the board have improved considerably through the years to ensure better protection of fish stocks and the marine environment. The Motueka-based Resource Manager joined Talley’s 36 years ago and is also President of the NZ Federation of Commercial Fishermen. “Talley’s fishers regard the oceans as their home, so they want to fish it sustainably and ensure it is there for life,” says Doug, who adds that Talley’s is proud to be a part of a fishing management system underpinned by science and a commitment to sustainability. Talley’s dedicated inshore and deep-sea fishing fleet use the latest technology to sustainably fish in New Zealand’s vast waters making up our EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) and in the high seas. “Fishing for Life is at the heart of what Talley’s does when we are on the ocean. For us this means protecting the life and diversity of the marine environment, sustainably harvesting fish stocks to ensure abundance for future generations, providing people with clean, healthy seafood protein full of natural goodness for a healthy life, and training and supporting Kiwis in their fishing careers, for their and their communities’ livelihoods.” Innovation driving sustainability for Talley’s inshore fishing fleet From 2013, Talley’s required a change in nets used by its inshore operators from 4-inch cod ends to 5-inch, thereby allowing smaller fish to swim out. “Talley’s fishers regard the oceans as their home, so they want to fish it sustainably and ensure it is there for life.” to page 8