Business South August 2022

8 | Innovation key focus from page 6 Talley’s operates three inshore fish processing factories in Motueka, Timaru and Westport. All the factories have undergone upgrades over the last few years. (Note, these photos were taken before the Covid-19 pandemic requirements for face masks). FISHERIES SECTOR Talley’s Limited Changing with the times - page 10 42 Vickerman Street, Port Nelson 0800 GRUNDFOS 03 548 4141 03 548 4147 LTD 0800 GRUNDFOS Richmond / Nelson bombas azcues.a Sole NZ Distributor 8 Gloucester St Nelson, Ph: 03 546 9219, Email: REFRIGERATION SPECIALISTS IN: • Commercial refrigeration • Marine refrigeration • Industrial refrigeration. • Cool room build & design • Cool room hire • Air-conditioning • Heat pumps • Domestic appliance sales & services. GROUP DEEP SEA TECHNOLOGY Talley’s actively invested in rolling out the change to more than 60 boats and there are regular audits of their use. “Where these larger cod ends have been used, most fish stocks have seen significant improvements in abundance, as observed by fishers, supported by-catch rates and bi-annual government trawl surveys,” says Doug. Talley’s is also working to reduce bottom contact of their trawlers by 85%. Fishers have invested heavily towards meeting this goal, for example through developing low headlines at the front of their nets and making continuous improvement to avoid unnecessary by-catch. Other changes have included increasing the mesh size through the whole of their net, introducing materials that are lighter to tow, and altering the configuration of the mesh to allow more small fish to escape. Electronic monitoring equipment has reduced towing times while other technology such as GPS, echo sounders and net monitors is enabling species to be targeted more precisely. As well, Talley’s deep-water vessels fishing for squid use Sea Lion Exclusion Devices (SLEDs), designed so that any sea lions are able to swim out of the exit hole on top of the net. Talley’s operates three inshore fish processing factories in Motueka, Timaru and Westport. Products are processed into many forms including skinless boneless fillets. All the factories have undergone upgrades over the last few years, as technology has advanced, including an innovative bespoke automotive fish processing line.