| 91 BUILDING Canterbury: Buildpro Group Three businesses all compliment one another Virginia Wright Successful partnership: Joe Lagan, left, and Rodney McVicar. The three separate businesses that make up the Buildpro Group: Buildpro, One Stop Deck Shop, and Timberline, all deal with timber products in various forms. Buildpro was the first to be set up, in 2005, by Rodney McVicar. He’s from a sawmilling and timber background and so too is his business partner, and managing director of the three companies, Joe Lagan who joined him in 2015. In 2012 One Stop Deck Shop had been established to cater to its more specific market, and in 2019 they purchased Timberline which focuses on another section of the market with specialty timber products. “One Stop Deck Shop is heavily into that outdoor landscaping space, and it draws on a lot of Buildpro’s supply lines, so we had a built-in customer base with contractors and commercial construction companies, who also had a demand for cladding and flooring and internal timber products and things like that. It didn’t make sense to sell those products through One Stop Deck Shop,” explains Joe, ‘so we bought Timberline to be able to make better use of our supply chains and give our customers what they wanted.” Though each business has its own customer base and focus they’re run side by side. Buildpro’s business is the manufacture and sales of high-grade radiata pine products, timber, both domestically and internationally. One Stop Deck Shop is a specialty retailer of landscaping and decking products to the New Zealand market. Timberline focuses on specialty timber products such as cladding, flooring, interior linings and feature products, also for the domestic market. While many of the products they sell in the One Stop Deck Shop might also be found elsewhere their focus on providing customer-specific, full solutions for their deck or landscaping project is what they offer as a point of difference. “Because we are quite close to our suppliers and have been for a long period of time our supply chain is generally shorter and obviously supplying a whole package or suite of products for the complete solution brings advantages as well,” says Joe. “We do everything from selling metres of decking timber to a mum or dad, to supplying major construction companies for an entire retirement village, everything from decking to meandering broad-walks through a nice garden.” Roughly 70% of Buildpro’s radiata pine product sales are international going to Australia, America, Asia and Europe for a wide range of building applications both exterior and interior. QUALITYWOODPRODUCTS. OUTSTANDINGPERFORMANCE FORDEMANDINGAPPLICATIONS Buildpro manufactures and sources a broad range of wood products for international and domestic markets. Buildpro has over four generations of experience in various timber species, manufacturing, sawmilling and sales and marketing. Buildpro specialises in tailor-made wood product solutions that create premium value for our partners. P 03 384 8366 E sales@buildpro.net W www.buildpro.net OneStopDeckShopisthespecialtyretail armofBuildproGroup,withbranches inChristchurchandAuckland; sellingawiderangeofdecking, landscaping timbers, associatedoutdoorwoodproductsandaccessoriestobuildyour dreambackyardspace. Equippedwithvastknowledgeandextensiveproduct range,weareextremely versatile.Wehavetheabilitytoreactquicklytocustomer requirementsand manydifferent typesofprojects. Buildpro isamajorsupplierofNewZealandradiatapine lumber,MDFpanelsand plywood.Wesupplymarketsaroundtheworldinthe industrial,manufacturing andretail/tradesectors. “Because we are quite close to our suppliers and have been for a long period of time our supply chain is generally shorter.” The remaining domestic customers make everything from picture frames to joinery products. Buildpro and One Stop Deck Shop account for 90% of the groups business between them with Timberline doing the remaining 10%. With a focus on the inherent beauty timber can offer, Timberline works with, as Joe puts it, “commercial and residential builds and their architects to supply high-end finishes designed to meet the specific needs of our clients.” While Timberline’s cladding options are usually imported Canadian cedar and a sustainably produced, thermally treated, white Ash product from Europe called Thermory, their interior products are more likely to be native timbers. “We sell a lot of Southland Maple Beech for wall linings and ceiling linings. It’s a New Zealand native FSC certified species that is favoured by architects for its cultural significance and appearance,” says Joe. ‘And then we do sell some imported species, and recycled rimu which is recovered out of old buildings being pulled down or old barns and sheds and things like that.” What they all have in common is an understanding of how to make the most of the wood products they offer, both practically and visually, and a willingness to work with their customers to come up with a solution for their building project.