| 95 BUILDING Central Otago: Alpine Group Construction Alpine Group Construction builds can be seen scattered through the main streets of Queenstown. ASPHALT CENTRAL L I M I T E D Phone / Fax: 03 442 3212 Mobile: 0274 404 516 e: tony.a1asphalt@hotmail.co.nz www.a1asphalt.co.nz • Concrete & Cobble Stoning throughout Central Otago • Free No Obligation Quote • Asphalting • Kerbing • Chipsealing • Tennis Courts • Residential • Commercial • Drainage • Heating • Gas Hot Water Heating Proudly supporting Alpine Group Construction 021 773 743 ingley.plumbing@xtra.co.nz orks & Excavation n Clearing ltural Work caping Level Building Platforms Locally Owned & Operated Building Transporting Otago-Southland Wide TREVOR JONES Contact TREVOR JONES | Phone: 021 381 913 | Email: earthworks@queenstown.co.nz person running the office. Of the nine staff in construction seven are builders two of whom are doing their apprenticeships, and they’re not the first. “Two of the builders who are with us now have come through their apprenticeships with us. We’re always actively looking for new guys,” says Sam. In what is clearly an understatement Sam describes Alpine Group Construction as “a team of average Queenstowners”, by which he means they get to work, work hard and enjoy each other’s company. Teamwork and strong relationships clearly sit at the heart of Alpine Construction Group’s success. “As long as you get on well with a team you’ll get on well with us,” says Sam. “Sometimes it’s not always about the money it’s about the right jobs and the right people.” It’s those relationships, the combined years of experience of the two principals Sam Shefford and Shane Johnstone and their team, and the attitude they all bring to the job that inspires confidence. Because whether it’s big or small, a top dollar house or an early learning centre, while it could just be seen as another building, for Alpine Group Construction: “we’re builders that treat every building with respect regardless of what it is, and we aim for top quality throughout the build,” says Sam. Which is no doubt why they’ve got work lined up to take them through to the end of next year and beyond.