Business South August 2022

98 | COMMUNITY Rangi Ruru School: Higgs Construction New physical and health education hub Kim Newth The new purpose-built centre comes at the right time to meet the school’s contemporary needs in sport, health and physical education. Designed for sport and to meet the requirements of today’s learners in physical and health education, Atawhai at Rangi Ruru Girls’ School will soon open as a vibrant new centre on the school campus. On track for completion in August/September, the new building is truly multi-purpose in design and function. The name for the new building – Atawhai – was gifted to Rangi Ruru by Ngai Tahu hapū, Ngāi Tūāhuriri from Tuahiwi. “Pāora Taki, who named Rangi Ruru, is buried at Tuahiwi, and the iwi still hold his manuscripts and traditions within the community, so there is a special and ongoing connection,” explains Rangi Ruru Principal Dr Sandra Hastie. “Atawhai means to care and have compassion for people.” Serving that vision superbly well, the new purpose-built centre comes at the right time to meet the school’s contemporary needs in sport, health and physical education. The existing gymnasium was built in 1976 when the school’s roll was less than 500 students. With a full roll of just under 700 students, the school is looking forward to the opening of this larger, more fit for purpose facility. Located on the school’s Hewitts Road boundary, Atawhai will soon become a major feature on campus with the main school entrance located at its northern end. Expansive windows along the full length of the new building’s gymnasium will look out over the grass sports field and link across to the historic Te Koraha building. Melbourne-based McIldowie Partners designed the new building and have been involved with the school’s Project Blue Sky over a number of years. Developed to rebuild the school post-earthquake in a coordinated and modern way, Project Blue Sky is Rangi Ruru’s campus masterplan. It has led to the completion of world class facilities at Rangi Ruru including the Gibson Centre (library), the Science Centre, Mana Wāhine (classroom block), the Art and Technology Building and the Performing Arts Building. “These buildings, alongside Atawhai, have transformed the school’s ability to provide Suspended Ceiling Specialists Paul Glassey 027 2065157 Steven Pope 027 520 2091 SI Interiors install all leading brands of suspended ceilings & metal ceiling batten systems. SI Interiors is a Christchurch based firm specialising in quality ceiling installations of suspended systems for the residential and commercial building sector. The company has a reputation for meeting deadlines & having a proactive attitude to solving issues for the client. 26 Hillview Road, Phillipstown, Christchurch 8011 T: 03 365 4229 E: Hills Commercial Floors. Proud to have our customers walk all over us. world class education here in Christchurch. Rangi Ruru has been at the forefront of educating our young wāhine for over 130 years [and] we continue to evolve our campus and our teaching and learning. A modern campus allows the facilitation of more engaged learning, greater social connection between students and staff, and a strong sense of both our history and future.” Rangi Ruru is delighted with how McIldowie Partners worked with their brief for Atawhai, to not only design a space that worked for learning, but one that inspired via design. The curved design on the building’s northern end is a special feature that ties into other school buildings, such as the Gibson Centre. “It is very easy to make a gymnasium look like a huge shed from the outside, something we were very keen to avoid. We feel they have done a fantastic job with the building aesthetics and functionality.” As well as meeting sport, physical and health education needs, the multi-purpose centre will be used to host events, such as full school assemblies, (with seating for over 700). It will also become a base for the school’s sport and physical education and health staff and provide multiple classrooms and meeting spaces. The foyer will provide a unique functions’ space. Higgs Construction started work on-site in early 2021. “We are very happy with how the build has been progressing and the collabHeating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Engineers DESIGN | IQP INSPECTIONS | INSTALLATION | ENERGY AUDITS Proud to be the Mechanical Services Contractor for Rangi Ruru School Phone: 03 338 0145 • PO Box 8225, Christchurch • •