Business South August 2023

102 | COMMUNITY Waihōpai Rūnaka - Henderson Construction: Murihiku Marae Redevelopment T T Karen Phelps Newmarae a testament to vision The wharenui, Te Rakitauneke, remains the centrepiece, representing the head of the whale and the collective wisdom of the iwi. 44 Mersey Street 03 214 4384 Blair & Kendall O’Shannessy Your commercial and domestic flooring experts. The Murihiku Marae Redevelopment Project has come to fruition after nearly a decade of planning and construction. Waihōpai Rūnaka chair Cyril Gilroy says the project originated from the need to address asbestos concerns in the old marae and evolved, of sensible necessity, into a complete rebuild, incorporating sustainable design principles and modern facilities. The decision to rebuild the marae was not taken lightly. The iwi, along with the community, recognized the importance of preserving the memories and cultural significance associated with the original structure. However, ensuring the safety of the people was paramount, leading to the demolition of the old building three to four years ago, says Cyril. The demolition marked a bittersweet moment for the community as they bid farewell to the place that had served as a cultural gathering point for over 40 years. Cyril says that memories flooded back as they walked out of the marae for the last time, but there was also a sense of anticipation for the new beginning. A mauri stone was used to start construction, which began in late 2020, and the builders, local company Henderson Construction, faced the additional challenge of navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these obstacles, the project progressed, and the builders proved their dedication and commitment to the marae’s success. “Henderson Construction were absolutely brilliant,” says Cyril. SOUTHLAND 03 215 9068 1 Kinloch Street, Invercargill Talk to us about the windows and doors that are right for your home. T T to page 104