104 | A marae for the future The body of the marae houses modern facilities, including offices and meeting rooms. COMMUNITY CALL 03 211 1000 » » » » » » » SOUTHROADS.CO.NZ Specialists in civil and road engineering across Southland and Otago Drainage Earthworks Aggregate supply & cartage General siteworks Landscaping Subdivisions Driveways Construction Cost Consultants Projec We are proud to be providing quantity surveying services on this landmark Waihopai building “Every dollar counts” t Managers Southern Quantity Surveyors 109 Gala Street, INVERCARGILL Ph: 03 218 6544 Web: www.sqs.co.nz “They treated us with respect and went above and beyond, especially over the Covid months. I have nothing but good things to say about them.” The original marae, which opened in 1983, was a testament to the community’s collective efforts, says Cyril. A variety of people and groups donated money to create a space where tangi and waiata could be performed. “It served as a home for those who had no other place to call their own and became a crucial community asset,” says Cyril. The design of the new Murihiku Marae pays homage to the significance of the whale in Māori legend. Kiwa, a guardian appointed to oversee the ocean and its currents, grew weary of continually traversing the isthmus that separated Murihiku and Rakiura. Seeking a solution to his frustrations, Kiwa called upon a Kewa, or whale, to chew through the land and create a waterway, allowing him to travel by waka instead of on foot. The result of the whale’s efforts is now known as Foveaux Strait or Te Ara-a-Kiwa, which translates to ‘The Path of Kiwa’. As the mighty whale chewed, crumbs that fell from its mouth formed islands within Foveaux Strait. These islands include Dog Island and Ruapuke Island to the east, remnants of the whale’s feast. To the west, Solander Island, also known as Hautere, stands as a guardian at the entrance to the Strait and is referred to as Te Niho a Kewa, or ‘the tooth lost from the whale’s mouth’. The shape of the marae resembles a tohorā, with the reception area located at the tail, symbolizing Hine o te Iwi. The body of the marae houses modern facilities, including offices, meeting rooms, and a wharekai (dining area). The wharenui, Te Rakitauneke, remains the centrepiece, representing the head of the whale and the collective wisdom of the iwi. Cyril says environmental sustainability was also a key focus throughout the redevelopment with a focus on achieving triple net-zero targets for water, energy, and carbon neutrality. The marae aims employs off-grid solutions such as rainwater collection and the use of renewable energy sources. Cyril says this commitment to reducing its ecological footprint sets an example for others, with the hope that every new house in New Zealand can follow suit. “We are walking the walk,” says Cyril simply. “We plan to test as time goes on to see if we’re reaching our goals.” The official opening of the redeveloped Murihiku Marae on June 2 was met with great enthusiasm and attendance from the community. Cyril says people were impressed by the architectural achievements, although some acknowledged that it would take time for the marae to truly feel like home. The new marae is already attracting interest from various groups and individuals who wish to utilise its facilities. This increased demand may require increased staff time to ensure it can respond to the full range of expanding programmes and services being offered by the runaka and that the facility can meet the needs of the whole community, says Cyril. He says the success of the Murihiku Marae Redevelopment Project would not have been possible without the generous contributions from various funders, including the Government’s Covid-19 Response and Recovery Fund, Te Puni Kokiri, the Department of Internal Affairs Oranga Marae Fund, Community Trust South, Invercargill Licensing Trust, Invercargill Licensing Foundation, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Marae Development Fund, and Waihōpai Rūnaka. Cyril says that Murihiku Marae stands as a testament to the dedication, vision, and unity of the Waihōpai Rūnaka and the wider community in Invercargill and emphasises the importance of honouring the past while meeting present needs. He stresses that the marae is open for use by the wider community, not just Maori. The plan is for the marae to expand its community support services, serve as a Civil Defence Emergency Centre, and provide a central location for educational initiatives in Murihiku Southland. “The Murihiku Marae serves as a beacon for sustainable development, setting an example for future projects. As we decorate the walls and have the energy of the people using the facility, laughter, manaaki and love, the marae will start to feel more like home.” T T from page 102 Waihōpai Rūnaka - Henderson Construction: Murihiku Marae Redevelopment TOGETHER, WE’RE BUILDING NEW ZEALAND PROUDLY SUPPORTING HENDERSON CONSTRUCTION LTD. PLACEMAKERS SOUTHLAND – WE HAVE YOU COVERED WWW.PLACEMAKERS.CO.NZ