Business South August 2023

SICK is a leading manufacturer of intelligent sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications, and specialist in the design and manufacture of products used in factory, logistics and process automation. Founded by Erwin SICK in Germany, SICK has been a technology leader for 75+ years with many patents to its name. Still privately owned with around 12,000 employees and worldwide turnover of Euro2.2B in 2022, the company now has more than 50 subsidiaries worldwide. While irst represented in New Zealand in 1995, SICK NZ Limited was incorporated in 2015 and is an o icial subsidiary to the global business. The company has gone from being a leading sensor manufacturer and supplier to a company that now o ers complete solutions to the modern business facing the challenges of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) with the fusion of sensor data at the operational level and combining software and digital SICK: Your partner to success solutions at the IT level. Simon Bennetto, Sales Engineer for SICK New Zealand says the goal is for production processes to become more e icient and with reduced down time. “Businesses must have a return on investment and SICK has the hardware, software solutions, and expertise to deliver it all. We can provide the sensor with connectivity, visibility and transparency catered for speci ic business automation needs, along with the predictability and adaptability to those wanting a modern e icient I4.0 based business. It ’s no longer just a simple sensor with a digital output. There’s now the need for analytics, getting real time data, data storage and then using it for optimisation bene it for the client.” The basis for digitalisation or an I4.0 solution in industrial environments is data. This data is generated in machines and manufacturing plants by means of ENERGY MONITORING: COMPRESSED AIR Compressed air is widely used, but expensive to supply and operate. . It is used to drive and control a wide range of production machines, for example to blow out molds, transport parts, drive kinematic systems for lifting or lowering, and actuate sliders or grippers. Leakages in pneumatic systems can occur both in the network and in the compressed air consumers. The leaks can be caused, for example, by vibrations within the compressed air network and by wear or aging of components such as hoses, O-rings or sealing elements. They often occur subtly and remain undetected for long periods of time without regular machine safeguarding evaluations or appropriate measurement technology. Experts estimate that, on average, up to 30 percent of compressed air produced can escape through leaks. With the SICK FTMg multiIXQFWLRQDO ÁRZ VHQVRU ÁRZ YHORFLW\ ÁRZ YROXPH WRWDO YROXPH PDVV ÁRZ WRWDO PDVV HQHUJ\ FXUUHQW SUHVVXUH DQG WHPSHUDWXUH FDQ EH PHDVXUHG E\ D VLQJOH VHQVRU DQG provided in real time. This means only one installation and commissioning process to measure all variables. sensors. Intelligent sensors from SICK can generate this data and pre-process it if necessary, generating even more valuable business information. “Arti icial intelligence, which is growing in importance in industrial automation, o ers the possibility of solving more challenging tasks and adapting quickly to changing conditions,” explains Simon. SICK’s extensive product portfolio includes, Analyzer solutions, Automation light grids, Detection and ranging solutions, Dust Measuring Devices, Encoders, Fluid sensors, Identi ication solutions, Magnetic cylinder sensors, Motor Feedback Systems, Photoelectric sensors, Proximity sensors, Registration sensors, Sens: Control – safe control solutions, System Solutions, Tra ic sensors, Vision, and Industrial Integration. Re lecting on what has been at the heart of SICK’s success in the region, Simon says the company’s motivation is its customers. “With our customer-centric, dynamic, and connected mindset, we strive for market leadership, co-creating innovative and desirable solutions, by investing in the competence of our people in all areas of our business. With a high level of technical and digital competence, we utilise agile methodologies to collaborate, and to create value and trust, in all our customer interactions, to ensure collective success.” SICK’s customers include end-users, resellers and OEM’s who are supported by the New Zealand team and the global organisation. “SICK provides South Fence with leading edge Safety devices which when integrated into their machines provides them with complete transparency of the safety system and a machine that is safe for their client to use. They have always been very focussed on ensuring that their product meets the latest safety standards in the various markets that they sell.”