| 29 The large electrode boiler acts like a supersized kettle creating steam for the drying process. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Southland: Open Country Dairy Customer Focused Process Automation & System Integration nemesys.co.nz Proud to suppor t Open Country Dairy Phone 03 218 8533 | 27 Liddel Street , PO Box 8 Invercargi l l 9840 Emai l : info@southlandfork l i f thi re.co.nz www. southlandfork l i f thi re.co.nz Farm Buildings Alterations Dairy Sheds New Homes Wintering Sheds Engineering Phone 027 304 8600 A/H (03) 236 0022 Email baz@bazjanssenbuilding.co.nz www.bazjanssenbuilding.co.nz SOLUTIONS FOCUSED AND PARTNERSHIP DRIVEN 360lg.co.nz A TRUE 360 APPROACH TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROUDLY SUPPORTING OPEN COUNTRY DAIRY