Business South December 2022

| 59 MINING OceanaGold With current mining occurring both on the surface and underground, OceanaGold says its Macraes Operation has the best ‘life of mine’ outlook the operation has ever had. CABLEPRICE and HITACHI deliver the reliability and uptime that your business needs • Fully equipped workshop • Dedicated 24/7 product support service • Nationwide dealer network 0800 555 456 PROUDLY SUPPORTING OCEANA GOLD Macraes outlook positive With current mining occurring both on the surface and underground, OceanaGold says its Macraes Operation has the best ‘life of mine’ outlook the operation has ever had. “In 2023, open pit ore will continue to be sourced from Deepdell, and waste stripping will commence in earnest at Innes Mills, “ says general manager Mike Fischer. “We expect to have the first stope ore from Golden Point Underground in early 2023 and this will be fully ramped up to replace Frasers Underground by late 2023,” he says. Gold mining at Macraes goes back to 1862 when the first gold was found in Deepdell Creek. This was followed by a series of gold rushes, which led to the population of Macraes swelling to 600 in the 1870s. The OceanaGold story began at Macraes in 1990. Thirty-two years later, the company’s operations have expanded to Waihi, the Philippines and South Carolina. Since 1990 the Macraes mine has produced over five million ounces of gold, employed over 3000 people and contributed $8.5b to the New Zealand economy. Mike says that, like any industry, there are challenges ahead. “We are actively working towards our stated target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050, we are working with our diverse communities as extractive operations expand, and we continue to work hard to attract, train and retain a skilled specialist workforce in a competitive global market.”