Business South December 2022

| 9 Greg Donaldson Contracting As Ashburton grows, so does its draw on the services, and as such GDC is working on constant upgrades to telco, roading, water, and power infrastructure. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Proud to support Greg Donaldson Contracting Ltd Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers PROUD TO SUPPORT GREG DONALDSON CONTRACTING Gabites Limited Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers 54 Cass Street, Ashburton Phone: 03 308 5099 For over 50 years we’ve been committed to delivering innovative, practical, value added advice and services to our clients WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED... If you’re fed up with paper towels making a mess in your bathroom, then talk to Apparelmaster about self-contained cabinet and roller UPXFM TZTUFNT BOE UPXFMMJOH SFmMMT Drying hands after washing is an essential component of hand IZHJFOF 5IF RVBMJUZ DPUUPO NBUFSJBM XF VTF JO PVS SPMMFS UPXFM TZTUFNT BSF QSPWFO UP ESZ IBOET RVJDLMZ BOE QSPQFSMZ SFEVDJOH UIF SJTL PG DPOUBNJOBUJPO 5P mOE PVU NPSF BCPVU PVS SBOHF PG IZHJFOJD IBOE ESZJOH PQUJPOT please contact your local Apparelmaster outlet on 0800 808 820 IS HYGIENE IMPORTANT IN YOUR WORKPLACE? Proud to supply Greg Donaldson Contracting.