Business South December 2024

22 | New premises set to deliver The new facility, at 3 Enterprise Drive, Islington, comprises 1000sqm of office, showroom and training facilities plus a 3500sqmwarehouse. Central Heating NZ - Christchurch T T Karen Phelps REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Central Heating New Zealand aims to double its sales over the next six to seven years as part of its mission to make water-based central heating the preferred choice throughout New Zealand. The company, which specialises in hydronic central heating systems, is about to move into new, custom-built premises in Christchurch. The new facility, at 3 Enterprise Drive, Islington, comprises 1000sqm of office, showroom and training facilities plus 3500sqm of warehouse to service all of New Zealand. The building includes full hydronic central heating with underfloor and Varicomp Acoustic panels in the ceiling serviced by 35 and 50 kilowatt hydronic heat pumps. With heat pump technology the building will be cooled and heated via the hydronic system. “It showcases fully what we can do – both in the residential and commercial space,” says Tony Whale, general manager at Central Heating New Zealand. “The showroom is 220sqm and will be fully kitted out with our products so people will be able to fully appreciate the benefits of hydronic central heating. It also gives us space to be more efficient and effective, creating benefits for the market. For example, we will be able to store more product and have faster turnaround and lead times to the market.” The facility is part of an overarching goal to transform the way New Zealanders think about home and building comfort, says Tony. “Currently, only about 5% of New Zealand homes use hydronic heating and cooling, compared to 95% in Europe. We’re determined to change that perception.” While the initial capital investment for hydronic heating systems is higher than traditional methods, the long-term benefits are substantial. “A hydronic system will last for 50 years, whereas a heat pump typically needs replacing after five to six years,” says Tony. “When you factor in the 15% lower running costs, the long-term value becomes clear.” The company’s growth plans are built on solid foundations, with the technology offering numerous advantages over conventional heating and cooling methods. “Water-based systems provide high radiant heat, warming the surfaces in rooms rather than just the air,” explains Tony. “This creates a more comfortable environment without the drafts and temperature inconsistencies often associated with air-based systems.” The typical practice of heating single rooms in New Zealand has led to significant temperature variations within homes, sometimes differing by as much as 20°C between living areas and bedrooms. “These dramatic temperature changes can have serious impacts on respiratory health,” says Tony. “Even heating throughout the home isn’t just about comfort, it’s about creating healthier living environments.” The system’s design principles draw on international standards, with radiators strategically placed on external walls or near windows – the coldest parts of room – to ensure even heat distribution. Y O U R L O C A L P L UMB E R C H R I S T C H U R C H Moods plumbing is Christchurch owned and operated offering fast and reliable service to meet all your plumbing needs! 0276974824 P L UMB I N G | G A S | D R A I N A G E | S O L A R & H E AT P UMP H O T WAT E R R E T R O F I T S & R E N O V AT I O N S | C OMM E R C I A L S E R V I C E S C E N T R A L H E AT I N G & C O O L I N G S O L U T I O N S | U N D E R F L O O R H E AT I N G | R A D I AT O R H E AT I N G Follow us on social media! Rush Interiors Ltd Suspended Ceilings • Steel Partitions • Aluminium Partitons Proud to be associated with Central Heating NZ Ben 027 320 5177