Business South Feb / March 2022

42 | Stabicraft riding the crest of a wave T Russell Fredric Sales and award accolades continue to flow for Invercargill based Stabicraft Marine T to page 44 MARINE Stabicraft Marine Stabicraft Marine, New Zealand’s premier positive-buoyancy aluminium boat designer/manufacturer continues to ride a wave of award accolades and global sales success. Last year was the Invercargill-based company’s biggest, achieving three top level awards for design excellence for its 2250 Ultracab WT. It received the title of Best of the Best in the prestigious international Red Dot Design Award, and was also announced as a category winner in the American Good Design Awards, which is the oldest running design award in the world. On the home front it is a finalist in the Designers Institute of New Zealand Best Design Awards. Despite the challenges of the covid environment, the awards were underpinned by a 30% increase in last year’s manufacturing capacity over 2020 with a projection of a further increase of 30% this year. Marketing manager Daniel Upperton says the international recognition gained through both the Red Dot Design Award and the Good Design Award is massive recognition for the Stabicraft team. It places the business in the elite company of global innovators and manufacturers such as Mercedes Benz, Ferrari, Honda, Yamaha, Apple, Samsung and HP. “To be recognised for that globally has been a huge coup for the team, they are absolutely rapt,” says Daniel. Innovation one layer at a time • 3D Printing • Additive Manufacture • 3D Scanning • Urethane and Silicone Casting • Vapour Smoothing 38 Otepuni Avenue, Invercargill Ph 03 216 6650