Business South Feb / March 2022

46 | FORESTRY PF Olsen Ltd: 50th Anniversary Forestry services business turns 50 T Richard Loader T to page 48 Enduring businesses are forged from the anvil of courage and vision — something that Peter Francis Olsen knew when he founded PF Olsen Ltd just a little over fifty years ago. Founded in 1971 and based in a small office in Ngongotaha on the western shores of Lake Rotorua, 10 kilometres northwest of Rotorua city, the emerging operation was initially focused on planting and silviculture activities. From a background in forestry, Peter saw a need to lift the level of professionalism and knowledge afforded to the non-corporate forest owning network that included, farmers, investors, councils, government departments and iwi. At that time PF Olsen’s primary client was Caxton Forest and Peter saw a niche for small forest owners to receive the same level of forestry management as New Zealand’s large corporate forests. With a reputation for doing things for the common good PF Olsen Ltd steadily grew, establishing a lot of forest in Gisborne during the ‘90s planting boom, and embraced all things forestry throughout New Zealand. Now employing 145 staff, hundreds of contracting crews and providing employment opportunities for thousands of forestry workers within those crews, the company founded by Peter looks after 160,000 hectares around the country, harvesting three to four million tonnes per year. Sales and Marketing Director Scott Downs says the really exciting and rewarding thing is that some staff are now involved in the harvest of forests they planted for the same clients. SWING YARDER & GROUND BASED OPERATION, LAND PREP, ROOT RAKING & FIREWOOD SUPPLIES. 19 Abbotts Hill Road, Abbotsford, DUNEDIN | 027 858 4791 03 928 0475 or 027 246 9955 ∙ Traffic Management Plans ∙ Traffic Management Services ∙ Civil Construction ∙ Site Equipment Hire ∙ Event Traffic Management ∙ Traffic Management Training Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough & the Top of the South Island CARTAGE - LOGISTICS - BIOMASS 03 327 9181 ɫŘŧ 0274 328 493 Chris Murphy CARTAGE | LOGISTICS | BIOMASS CONGRATULATE PF Olsen SML would like to in Forestry 50 YEARS on With 40 years’ experience in the Canterbury region, SML Řļưх ƺɪŧǠх ǠŧƥƎļŗƥŧх Ǩǽǝǝƥțх chain solutions, innovative logistics management and are an accredited biomass wood fuel supplier. Backed ŗțх ƺǽǠх ƥƺțļƥх ǨǵļɪϮх ƥŧļşƎưƁх edge systems and modern equipment, SML prides itself in providing services that our clients are proud to be associated with.