Business South Feb / March 2022

50 | FORESTRY PF Olsen Ltd: 50th Anniversary Nursery meeting demand for GF-Plus seed Hinga Marsh: “We’re probably the biggest containerised nursery in the industry.” Maintaining a secure supply of genetically improved tree stock for all of its clients as well as seed sales to third party clients is the major reason PF Olsen Ltd has its own seed production and nursery capacity, says Plant Production Manager Hinga Marsh. “Because we know the genetic value of the parents that have contributed to the seed lots we can say that forest owners who buy our tree stock stand to have a plantation that will perform in a very specific way. “In the last two years there has been a high demand for GF-Plus (Growth/Form) seed because everyone recognises that with carbon farming you want to utilise the most genetically advanced seed you can.” The ‘Plus’ refers to the four additional major traits that all breeders aim for; growth rate (G), straightness (F), branching and dothistroma resistance. Wood density and tensile strength giving six major traits. While GF-Plus seed stocks can cost four times more than open pollinated stocks, GF-Plus trees are sought after because of the added value the forest owner receives. GF-Plus trees can reduce rotation from 28-30 years down to 22-26 years, with better tree form, higher wood density and tensile strength all culminating in more saleable yield per hectare. For the last 15 years PF Olsen has owned and operated a dedicated containerised nursery in Waiuku, Glenbrook, producing six million Pinus radiata seedlings annually along with one million native and other exotic tree stocks. “We’re probably the biggest containerised nursery in the industry and sixty percent of our overall production occurs in Waiuku. Our containerised tree stock represents less than 5-7% of the annual total tree stock forestry production. But it is beginning to gain real momentum within the industry as people see the benefits of containerised tree stock over bare rooted stock.” Containerised tree stock is grown in the nursery in a seed tray, extracted from that tray and packed into a box with media still around its roots — which is a blend of scoria, bark mix and other nutrients. The roots are already fully formed in that media and ready to be planted. Bare rootstock sits in the same box but doesn’t have any media around it. Hinga says the advantages of using containerised GF-Plus stock are huge given labour shortage and seasonal changes faced by forest owners establishing new forests. “Our Waiuku supply ensures we have access to containerised tree stocks to extend our T Richard Loader planting season at the shoulders. Seven to ten million seedlings are also produced by third party nurseries that grow bare rootstock both for supply to our internal and external clients.” In addition to the Waiuku Nursery, PF Olsen operates two seed orchards based in Blenheim —Seddon Seed Orchard at Awatere River, and Wairau Seed Orchard at Spring Creek. “On those orchards we have advanced clones (ramets) that we have reproduced from parent material supplied by Radiata Pine Breeding Company (RPBC). All GF-Plus seed producers have access to the same improved clones from the RPBC archives.” There are currently around 1050 clones available to be used in producing improved genetic tree stocks. Hinga explains that to produce a higher genetic value tree stock you need to produce a higher genetic value seed, by cloning the parental stocks that will be used in crossing. “For example, we might want to cross A, B, C, D parents with E, F, G, H parents. So, we take all those parents, propagate them in our orchard and grow them on. We will then collect (strobili) pollen from the male cones in A and cross it with female (ovuliferous) cones in E and so fourth. We can look at the combination of those crosses and produce GF-Plus seed, which has a known genetic value, this is the essence of the advanced material that we use to produce our tree stocks.” The seeds are produced, processed, and cleaned at the Blenheim seed processing site and then either sent to our Waiuku nursery, or sold to third party nurseries interested in buying the GF Plus seed. There are three seed producers of Pinus radiata improved genetic tree stocks in New Zealand and PF Olsen sells between 8-10 million GF-Plus series tree stocks annually along with, 10-20 million of open pollinated improved seed or tree stocks. The industry has been producing and planting around 90-100 million Pinus radiata trees annually over the last three years, and that is likely to continue over the next two years. Ground-based Harvesting in the Tasman Region Congratulations to PF Olsen on achieving a great milestone of 50 years in business! Scott Reed • 0272159025 • Proud to support PF Olsen Ltd with all logging requirements. PO Box 120, Renwick Andy 027 542 4355 Proud to support PF Olsen Ltd P.O. Box 1531, Taupo. P (07) 378 9410 F (07) 378 9412 E sel oader@sel W sel