60 | Sustainability a priority for company T from page 70 Active Refrigeration supports government initiatives to eliminate fossil fuel usage in New Zealand for industrial process heating. Active Refrigeration - Christchurch CONTRACTING “Synthetic-type refrigerants which are in major use throughout the world and in New Zealand have an affect on global warming of varying degrees so we’re focused quite seriously on natural refrigerants like ammonia which has a zero affect on global warming and therefore attracts zero carbon tax.” “Synthetic-type refrigerants, which are in major use throughout the world and in New Zealand have an affect on global warming of varying degrees so we’re focused quite seriously on natural refrigerants like ammonia, which has a zero affect on global warming and therefore attracts zero carbon tax.” At the same time the whole company works to minimize waste including time waste, and be mindful of sustainability not only of the environment but of the health and well-being of the team. A year ago Alan Boswell joined the Active Refrigeration team after several years of consulting and brought with him the same passion to walk the walk in Health and Safety as he could see in the company as a whole. He’s been so successful in this that they were a finalist this year for the Canterbury’s ACC Champion Workplace Injury Prevention Award. At the heart of his success was the decision to formulate their own fit-for-purpose system rather than purchase one “off-the-shelf”, and at the heart of that system is making it easy for everyone to share the information that will assist in the overall goal of managing risk and reducing harm. The resulting system incorporates the collecting and sharing of information that goes well beyond incident and accident reporting into their daily routines. For example it’s the norm now to have a “toolbox meetings” each morning on a job-site to share information around risk. Anything relevant can be recorded with easy-to-use software on mobile phones via which you can report, communicate, be notified when you need to renew your certificates and so on. “We’ve achieved that high level of engagement within the workforce that is the key to Health and Safety,” says Alan. “If the workforce can see something is working well they will contribute, it’s as simple as that.” Active Refrigeration is also proud of its role in supporting government initiatives to eliminate fossil fuel usage in New Zealand for industrial process heating. Energy in the form of heat is released as part of the refrigeration process so Active Refrigeration designed a system to capture this “waste” heat and put it to good use as Craig explains. “We designed a system that provides high temperature, heat pump technology whereby we convert what is otherwise wasted heat into process-usable heat at high temperature and that then challenges the use of fossil fuels and starts to electrify the sites so that we can play a very big part in the government’s move to decarbonise.” Proud to support Active Refrigeration Canterbury, Nelson & Marlborough | 0800 577 5919 | www.nes.co.nz Complete Electrical and Automation Services Proudly supporting Active Refrigeration