116 | Tug Lyttelton Preservation Society COMMUNITY T T Kim Newth Fundraising project full steam ahead The tug is still afloat and sailing thanks to the unflagging dedication of the Tug Lyttelton Preservation Society and its volunteers. T T to page 118 After a successful sailing season last year, Christchurch’s Tug Lyttelton is taking a break as a big fundraising effort gains momentum to ensure this 117-year-old icon is in ship shape for the future. The grand old tug has been a familiar sight, in and out of Lyttelton, since first arriving here in September 1907, fresh from Newark shipyard at Port Glasgow. Sturdy and strong, this twin screw tug reliably worked the harbour doing all that was required of her for more than 60 years, before getting a whole new lease of life as a preserved passenger steamer from the early 1970s. That this tug is still afloat, giving today’s generation a taste of early shipping history, is thanks to the unflagging dedication of the Tug Lyttelton Preservation Society and its volunteers, who have worked and fundraised tirelessly to keep her well-maintained. This coming year marks a big works programme for Tug Lyttelton. Her boiler tubes need to be replaced. Getting new tubes made in the US and then fitted locally will be an expensive job. “We need $310,000 in order to do that,” says Mike Bruce, President of Tug Lyttelton Preservation Society. “It puts us under financial stress but we have employed a professional full-time fundraiser and are now confident that we can raise the money needed by early next year. We aim to sail again at the end of 2024.” BOAT INSURANCE MADE SIMPLE 62 Riccarton Rd, Christchurch e. insurance@nautical.co.nz | www.nautical.co.nz P 03 384 1694 - 0508 NAUTICAL Proud to be associated with Tug Lyttelton NAUTICAL I N S U R A N C E SUPPLYING PREMIUM SOUTH ISLAND COALS ALL GRADES OF INDUSTRIAL AND HOUSE COALS • BAGGED AND BULK SUPPLIERS Industrial & Domestic Coal Grades, Specialty Steel Making & Steaming Coals / Boiler Tuning / Wood Pellets / Bulk & Bagged Dolomite & Aglime Bio Fert Blends / Carbon based biologically activated fert blends Proudly supplying the Steam Tug Lyttelton 804 Jones Rd, Rolleston - 03 347 8800 • office@tesl.co.nz • tailoredenergysolutions.co.nz MARINE AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS Ship repairs • Industrial site work • Fabrication & machining Boiler hire • Portable line boring • Boilers & pressure vessels Walkways, stairways & handrails • Gas, oil & multifuel burners Supplier of Engineering services to Tug Lyttelton Preservation Society Office & Workshop - Dockside, Godley Quay, Lyttelton | 03 328 8105 | enquiries@lytteng.co.nz | www.lytteng.co.nz