Business South January 2024

| 63 Dwelling Architectural Design Quality is key, says Dwelling Architectural Design principal Cameron Grindlay, along with the ability to offer something a little bit different. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN “Some of the houses we build don’t need to be that big - we try to tell people to build better, but build smaller.” He believes building up, not out was the way forward, which meant multi-units were an ideal solution and had the ability to be cost effective. “You need to go out over time, but the more you spread out, the higher your city’s infrastructure costs go up.” Dwelling Architectural Design was established in 2012, following Cameron’s desire to make the most of his own ideas, while allowing him flexibility to spend more time with family. Cameron focuses on the whole design process, from the conceptual stage, through to contract administration – ultimately ensuring what is designed is what gets built. Quality is key, along with the ability to offer something a little bit different. Cameron said the past few years had been “incredibly busy” in Dunedin, even before work on the new hospital started. A range of other large projects that are on the drawing board for the city, include a joint venture between Ngai Tahu Property and ACC, which will transform a car park on a historic Dunedin street into a state of the art building. A building, which was acquired by Port Otago, is also being repurposed as the new home for the Otago Regional Council. While it looked like the city was progressing, Cameron said there had been some “big questions” around housing quality, poverty and homelessness “We’ll do the best we can,” he said. One build at a time. Heating, Ventilation and Airconditioning Specialists Authorised Dealer Commercial and Residential Design Build Specialists 03 488 4088 | Proud to support Dwelling Architectural Design Feasibility of New Projects TC1 / TC2 / TC3 Slab Design Seismic Design and Detailing Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening of Existing Buildings Contract Management Pleased to provide structural engineering services for Dwelling Architectural Design