32 | Sustainable nutrient advice There is a diversity of roles and opportunities for development within the Balance group. T T from page 30 Southland: Ballance Agri-Nutrients Ltd - Invercargill REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Based in Awarua and other regions throughout the South Island, Sales and Nutrient Specialists visit clients with the core purpose of providing sustainable nutrient advice in respect to the right sort of fertiliser, the right amount of fertiliser, and when to apply the fertiliser. ‘With fertiliser restrictions and a focus on environmental sustainability that advice is particularly important,” says Neil. “While they are not agronomists, there is an element of agronomy in what they do.” With a diversity of roles comes a diversity of opportunities for development and growth within the business. “People can come here and take up a mechanical or electrical apprenticeship, and if they wish, they can grow through the business taking on more senior positions. We call it unleashing everybody’s potential. “The manufacturing and distribution operators develop a range of skills including computer and problem-solving skills, driving heavy machinery, working at heights and confined spaces, leadership skills, and other highly transferable skills. “Ballance places a lot of importance on developing leadership, using a mix of external and internal courses. Over the years there has been a good track record of people who have started at the ground floor in terms of operations and moved into management roles through their own abilities and the training provided to them. “My maintenance manager started off as an apprentice here when he was sixteen and my Service Centre Manager started off as a Loader Driver some years ago.” Workplace culture has been said to be the silent voice that governs attitudes and the fit within the team and Neil says at Awarua that is all about team work, that family feel and having each other’s’ backs. While acknowledging that the manufacture of fertiliser may not be seen by many as an attractive high-tech industry, Neil makes the point that it is none-the less a vital industry because of its significant impact on New Zealand’s primary industry economy. “Job security is a big thing. Traditionally, we have been a very secure industry in New Zealand. We’ve grown as agriculture has grown and as long as farming is still important in New Zealand, this will continue to be an important industry. There is the ability for the right person to grow, develop and increase their earnings in the business. We have a cadet programme in our sales and nutrient specialist team, and of course we have our trade apprenticeship programme. We’ve visited quite a number of schools in the regions talking to the kids about what we do and careers, and we have schools visit us too. We’ve attracted some people here with apprenticeships through those forums.” “Ballance places a lot of importance on developing leadership, using a mix of external and internal courses.” Each edition priority delivered to your door. . www.waterfordpress.co.nz/subscriptions www.waterfordpress.co.nz/subscri i 03 983 5525 Stay informed; we work with business owners and decision-makers across all economic sectors, profiling their success. i ; i i i i - ll i , ili i . Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. r i , r I tr , r . Volume 31 | Issue 1 |Feb-March 2022 www.waterfordpress.co.nz Banking the Seed Producing top quality pine tree stock is a key focus for leading forestry company PFOlsen. PAGE 50 Seawall success Isaac Construction was a big winner at the CCNZ awards for its work on the Portobell Seawall project. PAGE 55 Accolades aplenty Stabicraft Marine continues to ride a wave of award accolades and global sales success PAGE 42 Volume 31 | Issue 2 | April 2022 www.waterfordpress.co.nz Golden Escape Waitaki’s golden season is a a drawcard for autumn getaways. Page 18 Volume 30 | Issue 1 | March 2021 www.waterfordpress.co.nz New horizons Industry innovator Richard Hickson is at the forefront as Westland Milk Products transitions from a farmer-owned cooperative to a large multi-national structure with an eye on export growth. Page 30 123 Mersey Street, Invercargill P: +64 3 214 4969 E: info@e-type.co.nz W: www.e-type.co.nz • Design • Manufacturing Services • Site Services • Project Management • Maintenance • On-site Installation Experts in industrial engineering and fabrication.