Business South July 2023

46 | Drilling important Explosive testing at Snowy River Gold Mine. T T from page 44 Federation Mining: Snowy River Gold Project MINING “So the drilling programme is important in the second half of 2023. We’ve been very pleased with the progress of the project to date and have had support from every level of government. We’ve got a great workforce, the support of the community and we’ve reached an important part of our journey this year and are very excited about the future.” Snowy River Gold Continues to Drive Job Opportunities for West Coast Three new geologists were added to the Snowy River Gold Mine team in May to assist the wider geology team through the drilling program. Managing director of Federation Mining Mark Le Messurier says that the project will continue to generate job opportunities for the region as the project progresses. “We continue with the recruitment program as we grow the team on site. Applications for roles including underground diesel fitters and trade-qualified electricians are currently open. Our Sydney office is also recruiting for a financial controller to work within the management team so there are plenty of opportunities in multiple fields,” he says. Federation Mining is now a major employer in the region with a team of around 60, which is expected to swell to160 when the mine is in production. Mark says the intention is to operation Snowy River Gold Mine for ten years. “Around 80% of our expenditure will go into the New Zealand and West Coast regional economies. “We also make small contributions to local charitable organisations and community groups at the moment and plan to increase that once we have revenue coming in as the project gains momentum.” Sustainable Mining Mark says that Federation Mining will pursue opportunities where it is able to apply its expertise and experience in the development and management of mining projects across a range of regions with a strong focus on sustainability. “We think we’ve got a number of attributes as a mining operation in terms of sustainability,” he says. “For example at Snowy River Gold Mine we only work on 30ha so there is minimal land disturbance. We are using hydro electricity which reduces our carbon footprint whereas a lot of mines around the world need diesel or coal power generation.” He says the way the ore will be processed is also leading edge when it comes to sustainability. “Mine tailings waste material has been a big issue for communities worldwide – how they are stored and if they leach and contaminate waterways. “The type of ore we’re processing won’t generate acid. Half of the tailings will be put back underground into the mining area in an engineered tailing storage facility, which will stand the test of time.” He says the strategy is underpinned by strong governance structure and corporate policies to place protection of the environment at front and centre. “We must protect our social license to operate. Fostering relationships with the community and stakeholders is important. We regularly communicate with the Buller District Council, West Coast Regional Council, Ngai Tahi and the Department of Conservation. They all have a role to play and we had to have all their support for the project to be a reality.” T T Mine’s long history - page 48 AGRICULTURAL | INDUSTRIAL | COMMERCIAL DIESEL MECHANIC I REPAIRS & SERVICING I AUTO ELECTRICAL I DIESEL TUNING I INDUSTRIAL HYDRAULICS CALL US ON 027 343 7834 Ph: 03 732 3719 A/Hrs: 03 732 3879 E: • Livestock Cartage • Bulk Cartage • Gravel Cartage & Supplies • Readymix Concrete • Aggregates For all your rural transportation needs PROUDLY SUPPORTING FEDERATION MINING & SNOWY RIVER GOLD 03 343 6058 | CHRISTCHURCH HOSESUPPLIES.CO.NZ A Specialist Environmental and Planning Consultancy. Policy Statements & Plans Resource Consents & Designations Assessment of Environmental Effects Strategic & Structure Planning Submissions, Mediation & Evidence Due Diligence & Strategic Advice Consultation, Engagement & Facilitation Collaboration & Partnership Project Planning & Coordination of Inputs Resource Management Compliance Audit