Business South June 2021
104 | “We work hard to make sure our owners are getting everything they need, and that includes always looking for modern systems and new technology.” HOSPITALITY Joe’s Garage Rolleston Bringing the Joe’s magic to Rolleston T T Kelly Deeks The new Joe’s Garage Rolleston is perfectly placed to bring fantastic food and drink to the fast-growing town. P 03 379 3200 W Proud to be associated with Joe's Garage We specialize in commercial joinery and fit-out, particularly in Hospitality, Pharmaceutical, Medical and Shopfitting, and are also involved in the Residential sector. Why wait? Contact us now for a FREE quote on your HVAC and refrigeration needs 7 Dalziel Place, Woolston, Christchurch 8023 Email. Web. We have 30+ years experience selling & installing Air Conditioning systems & Commercial Refrigeration in Christchurch Snow Temp are proud to be involved in the completion of the new Joe’s Garage Rolleston CALL TODAY 03 379 3589 • Supply , fi x an d sto p o f plasterboard • Residentia l an d commercia l projects • Leve l 5 specialists • Bat t suppl y an d installation • Meta l ceilin g battens • Fre e quotes Proud to support Joes Garage “We’re passionate about achieving 100% positive feedback from all our clients. That’s why our company’s philosophy is based on true transparency, communication, personal involvement and excellent customer care.” Alastair Miles, Director Our honest approach gives you confidence from the start. A new addition to the future heart of Rolleston town, Joe’s Garage, is offering a unique food destination and a laid back yet lively environment for all types of catch ups at any time of day. With its location on Tennyson Street, oppo - site Te Ara Ātea library and community centre which is due to open in November, Joe’s Garage Rolleston is perfectly placed to bring fantastic food and drink to the fast-growing town. Lucy Whelan, one of the directors of Joe’s Garage Franchise Company, says the Rolleston community is close in behind this prime loca- tion, with its easy access off the highway, and the library as a landmark for Selwyn District Council’s proposed Rolleston Town Centre. “Our Joe’s Rolleston owners found this particular site with co-director Shane Hausler, and we think it’s great,” she says. “We think it’s going to be a really nice hospi- tality hub down there.” Joe’s Garage Rolleston, like the other 15 Joe’s Garages around New Zealand, is aiming to be the best café in the area. “We want the people of Rolleston to be proud to call us their local.” The Joe’s Garage head office supports its franchisees to do everything they can to really engage with their clientele and have the best possible outcome with every single guest. “If you’re making sure your food is great and your service is great, you’re considered one of the best and that is always our ambition,” Lucy says. The right people are a key ingredient in this formula for successful hospitality, and Joe’s Garage chooses its franchisees based on their enjoyment of people, community, and hospitality. “Hospitality is not always an easy business to run, but it is fun when you get it right. “We have a robust recruitment system to make sure we are recruiting the right people, and we pick well.” Hospitality positions are harder to fill in the post-Covid environment, with many posi- tions often filled by international people, it has become much harder to find good chefs particularly. Lucy says it is time for hospitality to be seen as a pathway to management and ownership, rather than a fill-in position on the way to a career in a different field. In this light, Joe’s Garage pays well in order to attract the right people into key roles. Lucy and her husband James have over 30 years of hospitality experience, with Lone Star as the other Franchise company they co- foundered with James’s brother Tim Whelan. “We have made every mistake there is to make, and we’ve learned the key thing is un- derstanding your owners. “We work hard to make sure our owners are getting everything they need, and that includes always looking for modern systems and new technology.” Joe’s Garage boasts one of the best hospi- tality apps in New Zealand with its Regular Joe loyalty app, with dollars spent converting to points, and points balances unlocking rewards. A year on from the shockwaves Covid sent through New Zealand’s hospitality sector, Joe’s Garage has recovered remarkably well and has been able to open in three new locations. “And there are more coming,” Lucy says. “We are incredibly grateful for the support we’ve had in Rolleston so far, and we really appreciate our owners who are hard-working and kind people with a great team behind them.”