Business South June 2021

12 | Invercargill Central development on track T Ambitious project - page 14 Making way for the new: 43 buildings were demolished in the site clearance. T from page 10 Invercargill Central REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The HW Richardson building will feature com- mercial space and an apartment, plus retail tenancies on the ground floor and a link to the main centre. Further adding to Invercargill Central is Invercargill Licensing Trust’s $40 million Langlands Hotel currently being built in the adjacent block north of Esk Street. Geoff is pleased the main contract for Invercargill Central was awarded to a local company, Amalgamated Builders. “At the outset of the project, the aim was to try and get as much of the money spent in Invercargill and in Invercargill businesses.” Amalgamated Builders Limited (ABL) director/Southland Project Director Bruce Middleton says winning the Invercargill Central tender was exciting for the company’s directors and staff. “We are very happy for the region because we employ a lot of local people. It’s the single biggest project in Invercargill in a long time.” Site work started with demolition and site clearance in January last year, undertaken by Christchurch-based company Ceres NZ, with the piling subsequently completed by Smith Crane and Construction; this stage took seven months to complete. The block was subject to archaeological assessment as the demolition and clearance progressed. ABL currently has about 65 staff working on site; this number will ramp up as construction progresses and with subcontractors added there is currently about 80 working on the project. Bruce expects that at its peak the construc- tion phase will involve more than 180 workers. on site. He says that the scale of the development and the Covid-19 pandemic meant procure- ment of materials was always going to be a challenge. “In some cases it’s not that you can’t get the product, it’s the time frame to get the product. That’s not just us, it’s everybody in the country. “It has presented its challenges, and it needs good planning and a good lead time, however we have the ability to store a lot of materials.” “From our perspective it’s an exciting project, it’s not very often you get to rebuild a whole block . We feel privileged to be involved.” The completion of demolition followed by the block becoming a hive of construction ac- tivity has become a catalyst for other projects to be planned or initiated, he says. “In the big picture I think it’s anchored a whole lot of different areas, which is really good for the city.” Call Southland’s trusted Concrete cutters & Drillers • Safety Grooving • Core Drilling • Concrete Polishing • Floor Sawing • Wall Sawing • Concrete Grinding • Concrete Burster • Wire Sawing • Decorative Cutting Call Clark 0274 338 654 | e: Call us on Specialists in: • Drainage • Earthworks • Aggregate supply & cartage • General siteworks and landscaping • Subdivisions & driveways 0800 822 833 Your Contractor of Choice New Zealand Heritage Properties is a diverse company, specialising in archaeological and heritage consulting services, property management and the redevelopment of unique and character property throughout New Zealand. Contact: | Office: 03 477 3933 | Contact us today 91 ANNAN STREET, WEST INVERCARGILL - 03 218 2093 Experts in abrasive blasting, Intumescent coatings and industrial coatings on steelwork. Industrial coatings extends the overall lifetime of materials Cronos Projects is pleased to be delivering the Invercargill Central project. RES I DENT I AL & COMMERC I AL PH 03 215 9208 CELL 0274 346 012 | 0274 346 009 A/Hrs 03 2130 811 or 03 213 1575 18 Arena Avenue | Invercargill • Drainlayers • Plumbing • Roofing • Registered • Bathroom & Kitchen • Renovations