Business South June 2021

| 15 Invercargill Central REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The development of Invercargill Central aims to bring vibrancy and new life back into the heart of the city. Our people have a strong link to the city and region, and we are extremely excited to take this journey with Invercargill Central in revitalising a city centre where people will want to connect. Get in touch for any Cost Consultancy needs — 03 365 7669 134 Victoria St, Christchurch Locally owned and operated environmental science consultancy serving Otago & Southland since 2007 - CONTAMINATED LAND - MARINE, FRESHWATER AND TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT - LANDSCAPE RESTORATION - WATER RESOURCES & WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION The smart approach to environmental management Call our experienced team of environmental scientists (03) 409 8664 | www.e3scien � HVAC Design Build Contractors Your experts in Design Build 03 379 4832 Proud to be associated with Amalgamated Builders Ltd on the Invercargill Central Development project 55 Hickory Place, Islington PO Box 16 385, Hornby Christchurch 8441 Heating Air Conditioning Ventilation