Business South June 2021
20 | Playing a vital role throughout the region “It is the things we all take for granted that are kept functioning and moving by the small team of dedicated and highly skilled people in our business.” The CODC roading network includes 1376km of gravel roads. T from page 18 Central Otago - Fulton Hogan REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Key infrastructure projects throughout the district include looking after the CODC roading network, which comprises of 1885 kilometres of roads including 1376km of gravel roads, 509km of sealed roads, 176 bridges and 151km of footpaths. It is the largest unsealed network in New Zealand in one of the harshest winter environ- ments and hottest summer environments. The company also operates the reticula- tion networks that provide 3-Waters services — water, wastewater and stormwater — to Central Otago and Lake Hayes communities. “These critical services are vital to keep communities running, ensuring that we have clean water to drink, that our wastewater is treated safely and effectively, and that we can keep healthy by washing, cleaning and cook- ing,” explains Jared. “It is the things we all take for granted that are kept functioning and moving by the small team of dedicated and highly skilled people in our business.” Fulton Hogan is also part of the Aspiring Highways team that looks after the road maintenance on the Waka Kotahi/ NZTA roads in the region. This work includes the day-to-day mainte- nance of the roads, bridges and services, and the response to emergency events such as flooding, slips, traffic incidents and crashes on the road network. More recently Fulton Hogan has been announced as the preferred contractor for the up-coming Cromwell Roundabouts project, which Jared says he and his team are looking forward to getting into. Jared says the company understands the need to support local businesses in the region and the positive impact that has on the local economy. “Covering such a wide geographic area we have a number of loyal and highly capable local contractors and suppliers that we work with throughout the year to ensure we can react promptly to events, and deliver a quality service to our customers. These people do a fantastic job for us and we are proud to support them.” T Valuable contractors - page 22 • CORE DRILLING • FLOOR SAWING • WALL SAWING • CONCRETE GRINDING • CONCRETE BURSTER • WIRE SAWING • DECORATIVE CUTTING • SOFF CUT SAWING 2014 LIMITED CONCRETE 0800DRILLER KEVIN KILKELLY 027 432 3119 PO BOX 8, ALEXANDRA. 9340 Reflecting on the role civil contracting plays within the communities it operates Jared says that in addition to the myriad of jobs and ca- reer opportunities it provides, there is also the substantial infrastructure for growing towns and regions including the roading network to keep communities connected and local tourism moving. “Put simply, the work our industry does is essential for well-functioning and prospering communities.” Pleased to be working alongside Fulton Hogan Central