Business South June 2021

| 23 Central Otago - Fulton Hogan REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Ranging from one man companies right through to large businesses with hundreds of employees, subcontractors form an integral part of the Fulton Hogan team. ! Waste Management specialists Septic tanks cleaning Mud Sump cleaning Porta-loo hire and servicing Hydro Excavation and Jetting Grease trap cleaning Wine waste removal Event supplies and management 0800 752 553 • Septic tanks cleaning • Mud sump cleaning • Porta-loo hire and servicing • Hydro excavatio and jetting • Grease trap cleaning • Win waste removal • Event suppli s and m nagement Proudly associated with Fulton Hogan Central Otago 08 00 752 553 office@sjallenh lding • HYDROVAC EXCAVATION • ROAD SWEEPING • TRUCK & MACHINERY HIRE • MOBILE DUSTLESS SANDBLASTING Proudly supporting Fulton Hogan Central Otago 03 445 3040 / 027 533 7709 COMSCENTRAL.CO.NZ COMSCENTRAL@GMAIL.COM 0800 436 723 | PUMPING IRRIGATION WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY EFFLUENT STOCKWATER PROVIDINGWATER SUPPLY SOLUTIONS WaterForce provides industry-leading knowledge, technical expertise and experience to the civil contruction industry. Working with local civil construction contractors, we provide integrated water pumping and treatment solutions, with the added assurance of on-going maintenance support. For the latest, most experienced advice and 24/7 after-sales support, contact us. Your local WaterForce Cromwell branch 03 445 4008 or visit We Provide concrete kerbs, channels and footpaths for: Road reconstructions • Subdivisions • Maintenance works • Driveways • Residential gardens Phone: 027 433 0531 | Office: 03 344 1597 | Fax: 03 344 1578 | Email: | PO Box 16-591, Hornby, Christchurch 8441 Proud to support Fulton Hogan