Business South June 2021

30 | Bold vision for city landmark A feature of the exterior will be the graduation of beige tones rising from dark to light to the top of the building. ADL Properties/Leonard Holdings - Forsyth Barr House DEVELOPMENT M cAuliffe Stevens’ radical redesign of Forsyth Barr House, Dunedin, will create a bold statement that will link its heritage to contemporary architecture. The landmark in the city’s Octagon precinct is undergoing a complete internal and exter- nal redevelopment that will transform it into a modern office building years for to come. Forsyth Barr House remained largely un- changed since its original design in 1967 and construction in 1968. The task of its redesign was given by de- veloper Chris Barnes, a director of Leonard Developments, to McAuliffe Stevens co-princi- pal Craig McAuliffe. Chris and Craig have successfully collaborat- ed on several commercial projects in Dunedin. Forsyth Barr House is being stripped back to its bones, and with a floor added, it will become an environmentally and thermally efficient 11 story building, Craig says. “At the end of the process it will be an effi- cient, warm, and modern building.” The architectural vision is to have a modern building that remains in sync with other build- ings around the Octagon precinct, especially its closest neighbours St Paul’s Cathedral and the Dunedin Town Hall. “It should celebrate its position in the Octa- gon and its Stuart Street gateway partnership with St. Paul’s Cathedral and aspire to be of high architectural value as a prominent Dune- din building.” A feature of the exterior will be the gradua- tion of beige tones rising from dark to light to the top of the building. This transition will be created with a tile effect of juxtaposed light and dark tones in the middle floors of the building, drawing material and colour inspiration from adjacent St. Paul’s Cathedral which has weathered over the years, resulting in a dark sandstone base and lighter stone bell towers. “Our terracotta tile material will be a mod- ern reinterpretation of this palette.” A flat at the top of Forsyth Barr House will be replaced with a completely new floor cre- ated behind a skin of aluminium and copper cladding, representing the most current medi- um for façade technology, while also reflecting the historic use of copper in the city precinct. The top floor will house the reception and client areas for Forsyth Barr which will occupy the four top floors. The new silhouette of the building’s upper levels will be visually prominent for motorists and pedestrians entering the Octagon from Stuart Street which rises high above the city centre. Its interior will receive as much attention as the exterior with a new heating and ventila- tion system being installed as well as new lifts, bathrooms and entry lobby. Reinstating the abandoned entry off the Octagon is aimed at adding vibrancy to the Octagon, while providing a practical and easily accessible entry, enabling more activity includ- ing a retail space, in the lobby. Russell Fredric Proudly supporting ADL Properties The World’s No.1 Heat Pump Company Alliance are proud of our partnership with the ownership group of Forsyth Barr House. We were pleased to provide multiple solutions to the complex asbestos issues found, during the redevelopment of the building. PHONE: 03 477 2211 • EMAIL: 115 CUMBERLAND ST, DUNEDIN 9016 Preferred supplier of ADL Properties