Business South June 2021

| 35 DEVELOPMENT Silverstream Development Built with community in mind T T Richard Loader The Silverstream Development in North Canterbury commenced in 2011 and when complete will embrace 1600 occupancies including 1200 residential sections and 421 retirement units. A n exemplar project, the Silverstream Development in North Canterbury is deeply rooted in the spirit of commu- nity, community, community — nothing more and absolutely nothing less. Now in its sixth of eleven stages, Silver- stream commenced in 2011 and when com- plete will embrace 1600 occupancies including 1200 residential sections and 421 retirement units. At the heart of the development is Lime Developments Ltd, driven by Fred Rahme and Jack Lin. Fred, a New Zealand resident for more than 16 years has worked all around the globe, living in a diverse range of countries including the Middle East, America, Australia, Japan and China. Fred says Silverstream reflects what the rest of the world has done for many years in creating developments where community is at the centre of mixed density design. “We have busloads of interested parties from around the country visiting us — differ - ent councils, planning institutes, lawyers, engi- neers and so on, looking at how Silverstream has been so successful because of mixed densities and how we have built it. “Because of our mixed density and price points we have a very diverse cross section of demographics living within Silverstream.” Sections range from 300sqm through to 600sqm, offering a good cross section of price points and construction typologies. Two, three and four bedroom homes are complemented with high-density villa type ‘lock-and-leave’ buildings appealing to cor- porate business people, creating even wider demographic diversity. “That ensures for a wonderful rich com- munity rather than all wealthy or all poor, all elderly or all young. “If you create a different typology, price point and product in terms of size it means you have affordable quality. “Then you get that mixed demographic which means it is a very normal old-fashioned community, and community is very, very important.” A beautiful stream runs through the devel- opment and a 3km walk and cycle way has been created with exercise stations peppered around the stream and central park to encour- age people to enjoy life beyond their homes. “When you have amenity and public realm you activate that by having seating, park benches, and exercise equipment all the way through the walkways. “A pre-school has been built along with a major medical centre with specialist care, a dairy, a major café/restaurant, hair salon and different professional offices. “So it’s not just a community retail space, it brings people into the community from the outside. You just have to look at what people need and if you provide it you have a pretty good chance of being successful.” With earthworks for the retirement village freshly completed, construction of what will be the first of its type in the country is about to commence. Located in the heart of Silverstream and surrounded by residential developments, the village will be intergenerational, absent of surrounding fences and walls and integrate seamlessly into the community. A new link road currently under construc- tion between the centre of Kaiapoi and the centre Silverstream will provide for a two-min- ute drive, and include a bus route. “It stands for really, very good” We do property and business law – but not as you know it. At RVG there is no pomp, no ceremony, no grey areas. Just as we’ve mentioned, really, very good legal advice.” Christchurch: Level 2, The Ruby Black Building, 201 High Street | (03) 365 0223 Queenstown: Level 3, Mountaineer Building, 32 Rees Street | (03) 409 2006 • C.C. C Approv ed Contractor • C.C. C Wat er Authoris ed • Ne w H ousing , Renovations & Repairs • Commercia l • Civi l Drainage CONTACT: D a n Sincock Certifying Drainlayer M 02 7 23 7 447 4 E n z P O Bo x 24 8 Kaiapoi