Business South June 2021
4 | REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT NZTE - Regional Business Partnership RBP Network has plenty to offer T T Karen Phelps Luli Bonifetto, cellar door manager and Thomas Moschetta, wine sales and wine club manager at Kinross Cellar Door, Restaurant & Vineyard Accommodation in Gibbston Valley. The Regional Business Partnership network has been assisting thousands of small businesses via advice, connections and capability funding. “We saw six times the usual number of businesses come through the network seeking support due to Covid-19. Now we’re seeing a lot of them coming back in growth mode.“ T here is a lot of support out there – businesses just need to ask, says New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) Regional Business Partnership (RBP) manager Jacinda Swain. NZTE has not only been helping businesses navigate the uncertainty of Covid-19 but has been supporting Kiwi businesses for over 10 years. The RBP network has been assisting thou- sands of small businesses via advice, connec- tions and capability funding. The RBP network has been in existence since 2010 and helps support small New Zea- land businesses to grow and innovate. It is delivered by NZTE and Callaghan Inno- vation in partnership with local organisations. As Covid-19 began to bite, the government was eager to support small to medium-sized businesses to weather the predicted economic storm. With the infrastructure to administer fund- ing and local advisors on the ground, the RBP network was identified as the perfect tool to quickly deliver the Covid-19 Business Advisory Fund, which gave businesses access to up to $5000 towards business advice. Businesses could chat to a Growth Advisor who then connected them with the right gov- ernment or private sector support. Jacinda says that more than 18,000 busi- nesses have been supported so far by the Covid-19 Business Advisory Fund with an additional 2000 in the tourism sector. “A lot of the feedback we’ve had is that it’s given them the confidence to plan and pro- ceed and to make the tough decisions when necessary,” she says. “It’s been about having access to the right advice including business continuity planning, financial forecasting and management.” For many businesses that could suddenly no longer trade during lockdowns and border restrictions, cashflow was the biggest issue. Jacinda says that the aim was to give busi- nesses a “roadmap, showing them where the holes were and how to best manage them”. Pivoting or adjusting their business quickly, as appropriate, became vital for many. The digital space was an important tool. For some, the lessons learned have helped them to grow their businesses. Although the Covid-19 Business Advisory Fund has now been fully allocated businesses can still access other business support availa- ble through the RBP Network. “We saw six times the usual number of businesses come through the network seeking support due to Covid-19. Now we’re seeing a lot of them coming back in growth mode. “They’ve found new markets and are seek- ing support to continue to grow. We are really buoyed by this.” The innovation space has been one signif- icant area of growth as Jacinda says during downtime a lot of businesses picked up research and development projects they had been too busy to look at during busier times. She predicts stronger businesses for some going forward, post Covid-19. NZTE is the New Zealand government’s international business development agency, and its purpose is to support businesses to grow a productive, sustainable and inclusive economy. NZTE has more than 700 employees and 222 private sector advisors around the world. Jacinda says that NZTE helps New Zealand businesses to grow in several ways; making its knowledge, resources, and connections avail- able to New Zealand businesses and Māori entities, connecting New Zealand businesses with the right partners and investors for growth; connecting global investors and com- panies with opportunities in New Zealand and elevating New Zealand’s reputation, particular- ly its business one, in international markets. “We tailor our support to our customers’ changing needs, offering guidance to those at the beginning of their journey and engaging more intensively with those who are further along. We don’t charge anything for our time.” She says that when businesses work with NZTE they also get the benefit of a wider network of New Zealand government agencies and organisations, known as NZ Inc, that work together to provide simple and aligned experi- ences for businesses. These include Callaghan Innovation, Edu- cation New Zealand, ExportNZ, Tourism New Zealand, Kea and the RBP network. NZTE offers a range of tools, resources, and information through its free online portal myNZTE. Other mechanisms include the digital boost tool, the government business site with accessible digital content aimed at businesses and , which helps connect employers and employees. Jacinda says getting the right advice, rather than funding, has been the thing many busi- nesses have found the most useful. “It’s about the connections we can help businesses make, to open doors or start con- versations which inspire and motivate change. Feedback from businesses is that these things are of the most value to them. “Become an NZTE customer and we’ll help you achieve your global ambitions.”