Business South June 2021
74 | BUILDING Canterbury - Cohesive Construction - Wide Span Sheds “To achieve the 4000 square metre building footprint our designers used steel web trusses, which allowed for efficient, cost effective construction within the building.” T T to page 76 Cohesive approach delivers results T T Richard Loader L ocated in Rolleston’s burgeoning Tawhiri development, South Star’s new ware- house was completed in December last year, providing 4000sqm of open working space, with a span of 35 metres and an apex height of 10.5 metres. At the heart of the building’s construction is Cohesive Group, South Island’s sole distribu- tor of Wide Span Sheds. Paul Lynch, Cohesive Group’s Managing Director, says the company’s involvement in the project commenced back at the feasibility stage early 2020, working with the building’s owner Ngai Tahu Properties, and the tenant, South Star. “When assessing feasibility our designers and quantity surveyors always work with the clients, reviewing several different options for a new building, quoting and reviewing a number of sites. South Star had quite specific needs around their building, its end use being to accommo- date specialised coating products for fertiliser, with on-site mixing and manufacturing.” Cohesive Group working with Ngai Tahu, identified the 9000sqm site at Tawhiri, and then commenced the process of designing a building to meet the needs of both tenant and owner. Working collaboratively with planners, structural and civil engineers, Cohesive Group obtained the resource and building consents in June 2020, with construction commencing immediately after that. The completed building was handed over to the tenant just six months later. “To achieve the 4000 square metre building footprint our designers used steel web truss- es, which allowed for efficient, cost effective construction within the building,” says Paul.