Business South June 2021

8 | REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Southern Institute of Technology New creative centre nears completion T Russell Fredric The new centre will include the church, a new three-storey, 2250 square metre addition on the footprint of the church hall and an atrium joining the two which will form a walkway and a cafe extension to the north of the church. Talk to us today, the feature profile experts Phone: 03 983 5500 PROFILE YOUR PROJECT... E xcitement is building around the South- ern Institute of Technology ‘s (SIT) new Creative Centre, with students registering in courses well ahead of the centre’s expected completion and opening later this year. One of Invercargill’s historic churches, the former St John’s Anglican Church, along with its hall and grounds between Tay and Esk Streets, is currently being transformed into creative centre that will include co-working ar- eas for graduates and post-graduate students. The creative centre will include the church, a new three-storey, 2250 square metre addi- tion on the footprint of the church hall and an atrium joining the two which will form a walkway and a cafe extension to the north of the church. SIT’s creative arts schools include music and audio engineering and production, screen arts (film, animation and gaming), fashion and visual arts. Head of Faculty, new media, arts and business, Hamish Small, says construction, led by local company Amalgamated Builders, is progressing well despite last year’s level four Covid lockdown and procurement issues for some structural materials due to a certain ship blocking the Suez Canal in March. Completion of construction will be fol- lowed by the fit-out and possible utilisation in December when it is hoped the centre can be used in some way for SIT’s annual graduation ceremony. Classes will start within the centre in February 2022. Hamish is impressed by the way the church building has been strengthened and modern- ised with minimal visual impact through the design of McCulloch Architects. Technology employed by structural and civil engineering firm Batchelar McDougall Con- sulting included using 3D ETABS software to define stress points and vulnerable elements. Minimal steel structure was added to stabi- lise elements in a logical and consistent way to fit in with existing features. “The way they’ve done it you wouldn’t even know there’s new fixtures and fittings in there, it’s so well hidden, I was really impressed, they’ve done an amazing job,” Hamish says. The project perfectly complements the Invercargill central business district’s radical redevelopment, he says. “By us being in the church and with the new centre there, it will just add to it. I personally think it will lift what’s going on in town, espe- cially from a creative point of view, Knowledge of the new centre has created strong interest in both this year’s and next year’s related courses. “We’ve already had students start on our Bachelor of Screen Arts [course] this year from up in the North Island, purely because they knew this was happening. “That creates expectation obviously; it definitely will be a drawcard because it will be the most contemporary creative centre in the country when it’s finished.” “Everyone’s really looking forward to getting in their and getting it up and running and allowing the public to come and have a look too.” Amalgamated Builders Limited quantity surveyor/project manager Taylor Davies says working on a 160 year old building was likely to be a one-off for the company and its builders. “It’s a pretty unique project given the herit- age structure that we’re working with. “We don’t get to work with those sort of buildings very often and we are proud to ex- tend our long and successful partnership with SIT in what is sure to become an outstanding asset to both SIT and Southland.” “Everyone’s really looking forward to getting in their and getting it up and running and allowing the public to come and have a look too.” Pedersen Read are proud to provide electrical design services for the Southern Institute of Technology Plaza House, Level 1, 243 Princes Street | P.O. Box 1435 | Dunedin 9054 | New Zealand t +64 3 477 2333 | e New Zealand Heritage Properties is a diverse company, specialising in archaeological and heritage consulting services, property management and the redevelopment of unique and character property throughout New Zealand. Proud to work on the Southern Institute of Technology - Invercargill Creative Arts Centre Contact: | Office: 03 477 3933 |